- _ Darrell L. Truitt Memphian Kathy Eaton was a music education major. Kathy demonstrated he r talent by playing the lead in "Oklahoma! " Able to keep a good perspecth;le on life, Kathy observed, "What may seem like setbacks at the time are really helping prepare you for the future . The lord will take care of your problems if you let Him.</' Tanya Enloe from Montgomery, Ala., studied speech therapy. Being a member of Shantih and a participant in French Campaigns along with other activities kept Tanya quite busy. "My years at Harding have helped me to better understand how God can use so many different people in His work." "Nothing can hold you back - decide what you want in life, and do it! God can always give you the power to accompl ish your goals." Ben Waites' enthusiasm ran over into all areas of life. An accounting major from Atlanta, Ga., Ben was a member of t he swim team and the Emory Business Team. "My thoughts of Harding will always go back to the unique opportunities to form Christian bonds with so many friends, " was the sentiment of Columbus, Miss. accounting major Phyllis Hickman. Phyllis made a lot of those bonds because of ,her i.nvolvement in Omega Phi, Pi Gamma Psi and other clubs. A nursing major from Faribault, Minn., Jacqueline Harris was a member of Alpha Chi and a delegate to the National Student Nurses Association Convention. "My speCial blesSings at Harding have been cultivating l asting friendships ." Who's Who/287