An accounting major from Atlanta, Ga., Kathy Pickhardt was a member of the Emory Business Team as well as being in the American Studies program and Alpha Chi. In remembering Harding, Kathy sa id, "The con· stant association with loving people is what truly made Harding great. " Danny Campbell has been associated with Harding since the second grade. Ironically, Danny said his most valuable lesson came " during a summer vacation in New York City. It was there I learned the value of prayer." Danny, a history major, planned to return to New York and later attend law school. -" I have found that in order to be a truly happy individual, you must learn to give of yourself." Brenda Hobbs, a speech therapy major from Arkade lphia, Arkansas learned how to give of herself freely while she was at Harding. Brenda served as queen for Alpha Tau Epsilon and president of the Student Speech and Hearing Association. " I've caught a glimpse of how infinite Cod must be. The more I learn and study, the more I see how little I truly know and how finite I am," said Mark White of hi s Harding years . Mark, a premed major from Searcy served TNT social club as president his senior year and served in various other offi ces. "My time at Harding has vividily impressed upon me the importance of being a friend. The friends I have made help in both good times and bad times. I have learned from them how to trust more and also how to serve more, " said Christopher Riley, a psychology major from Hyattsville, Ma. Chris, who was a member of Sigma Tau Sigma and president of Psi Chi, planned to focus his attention in the area of clinical psychology. All the way from Boise, Idaho, pre-med major Kyle Blickenstaff was one of the captain5 of the '82 Bison football team. A member of Buccaneers and Alpha Chi, Ky le still found time to be with friends. "I have realized the power and importance of Christian fellowship. My close friends and peers have made a tremen· dous impact on my life. " 286/Who's Who - Darrell L. Tru itt