1982-1983 Yearbook

· - Darrell L. Truifl Memphian Jay Perdue had a double major in advertising and journalism. " I want to continue writing and I hope someday to ef* fectivey use my writing to show people the good in life and wonders of God's love," stated Jay. Jay' s interest in journalism was made evident as he served on the Bison staff in the capacity of editor-in-chief . Transfer Jay Simpson of Pocahontas, Arkansas was a jour* nalism major. Jay pursued this in* terest by being editor of the Petit Jean and being a reporter for the Bison. Jay was also involved in the Society for Collegiate Jour* nalists, Public Relations Student Society of America and Alpha Chi. To Jay, being with people from so many different places was one great aspect of Harding because although "habits and customs may be different, basically people are the same. " " Besides to not walk on the grass or drive on the sidewalks, I've learned from Harding that a person can gain strength from a Christian environment. My nurs* ing instructors have exemplified supreme Christ* like attitudes and behavior," commented Searcy nursing major Kandy Muncy as she reflected on her years at Har* ding. "My experience at Harding bas encouraged growth and maturity. " June Wood was a nursing ma* i9 r from Hot Springs, Ark. June was a member of Delta Chi Omega, Alpha Chi and Chorale. " I've found that people are the most important things in this world, and the greatest happiness can be found in service to others." A marketing major from Pig* gott, Arkansas, Mark Evans was involved in all areas of Harding life. From being a Bison cheerleader to Spring Sing host, Mark kept a hectic schedule during hi s college days. According to Mark, his years at Harding were " probably some of the most impor* tant years of my life. These years at Harding have laid the founda* tion for my Christianity." Who's Who/285