WHO'S WHO SPOTLIGHT French and English major Susan Perkins came to Harding from liverpool, N.Y. She was a member of the Regina social club and a Queen for Chi Sigma Alpha. When asked what was one of the most important things she learned at Harding, Susan replied, "to see things more like my Father." A journalism and English major from Bridgeport, Ohio, Laura L. Brown was editor-in-chief of the Bison, as well as president of the Society for Collegiate Journalists. " I've learned, especially through my work as a Bison columnist, that my focus in this life must be understanding human experience and portraying it through words," Laura said. Coming to Harding from Warrington, Pa. was dietetics major Lisa James. Lisa was the S.A. Food Services Committee chairperson as well as being in the A Cappella chorus and Zeta Rho. "Through all of my years at Har-· ding, I realized how many opportunities are lost each day - we should take advantage of every chance we have for good." Hailing from Bangkok, Thailand, speech therapy major Priscilla Henderson learned that 'Ifriends go separate ways, leaving you with only memories of the fun and love you shared. God is forever." A letterer for the Lady Bisons softball team was physical education major Terri Harmon of Merriam, Kan. Terri was the chairperson of the Student Activities Committee and involved with the Stepping Out program. " I' ll never be able to express my thanks to Dr. Ganus, Dr. Olree and Dean Altman for the opportunity to compete in women's intercollegiate athletics." Married and the mother of two sons, Anita Woodruff had quite a handful to juggle during her Harding years. An elementary education major from Searcy, Anita was a sponsor for Ko Jo Kai and the student representative for the Teacher Education Committee. 284/Who's Who , - Darrell L Truitt