Celebrating Spring's Beauty The front lawn came to life this year once again as it felt each girl ' s beauty as she went through the ceremony of wrapping the May Pole. May Fete, a ce leb ration of spring and the life it gives, was held during Spring Sing weekend. Ju Co Ju socia l c lub sponsored the annual spring ri te in wh ich each of the women' s socia l c lubs participated. Susan Bolding, a senior Bibl e major from Judsoni a, Ark ., presided over the May festivities . As Zeta Rho's representat ive, Susan said, " It was such an honor to be crowned queen - to be chosen over the best group of Christian women was an honor in itse lf." Known to many as " t he girl in the bookstore, " Susan found time to be athl etic director and secretary - Chris Oei of Zeta Rho as well as being in JOY a nd Timothy Club. Attending Susan were senior Gina Mortin of Miami, Fla. , who represented Ju Go Ju and TriKappa member Lisa Wilson, a junior f rom ' North Little Rock, Ark.~ 1, After weeks of earl y morning practices, the May Fete representatives are able to carr yon the tradition of wrapping the May Pole. 2, May. Fete Queen Susa n Bolding is a familiar face to afl who frequent the HUB. - Darrell L. Twifl May Fe te Royalty/277