1982-1983 Yearbook

on the Go Enrollment of 24 students in the Iota Class this yea r brought the tota l enro llment in the Christian Communi cations Program to 200 in nine years. Incl uded in the Iota Class were Ray and Susan Johnson, the first husband and wife to be studen ts in the program. Joe Jones directed the CCP while Bobby Parks worked as field representative. Graduates of the seven classes who have comp leted the CCP have gone on to serve in 23 states and six foreign countries. Students have been encou raged to work outside the Bible Belt, but have accepted work wherever the program's purpose, to have people preach the Word, could be fu lfill ed. On Ju ly 31, 1982, 17 students in the Eta Class graduated, including the first female graduate , Carol Bauman. Bauman returned to her home in North Bay, On~ tario, Ca nada to begin working. The 19 members of the Theta Cl ass were expected to graduate July 30, 1983. Students in the CCP must have participated in two stateside campa igns and one foreign cam~ paign in order to graduate. For the first t ime th is year, all students who went on the foreign mission trip went together to one location when they travel led to Edinburgh, Scotland. The CCP was designed to pre~ pare men for the preaching ministry, a l tho u g h so m e graduates have gone on to work in the youth ministry. Others re~ mained at Hardi ng to compl ete a bachelor's degree, and severa l went to the Harding Gradua te School of Religion in Memphis. - Michael Corrigan o 61, ~) " Graduate Students Wyatt Jones, EdO/Director Randall Anthony/ Bloomington, MN linda BallingerlSearcy, AR Kathryn Barnick/Trenton, OH Ray Beaudry/S. Hadley, MA David Bendickson/C rookston, MN Michael C. Brown/B ridgeton, MO Robert Foster Caffi/Vienna, VA " Patsy Capps/Ba ld Knob, AR David Carter/Mountai n Home, AR Lafe Caton/ lnola, OK DOlin ClarkIPavo. GA Sarah Conkling/Me rriam, KS Marcus Copeland/Melbou rne. AR Patrici a J. Cox/Searcy, AR James Davenport/Wa lden, NY Billie 8. Davidson/ Bradford, AR Nena Duncan/Sea rcy, AR Stephen W. Edelhuber/Paris, AR Glenda Faith/Mountain View, AR Sharon N. Foster/Searcy, AR D. Kay Hall/W. Memphis, AR Kimberly Hart/Coolville, OH Mary HuntsmanlJudsonia, AR Catherine R. Gould/Searcy, AR Gary James/Clinton, AR Becky Johnson/Rock Falls, Il Roy Kirkland/Ward, AR Gary I uallin/Boulder, CO Kim I. ;Larty/Memphis, TN Bill Pearson/Amory, MS Curtis Pettie/Ma rvel. AR Stephen Pylkas/Searcy, AR David J. Ransom/N. little Rock , AR Gary Rhodes/Hope, AR Gary Selby/Mec hanicsvill e, MO Paul Shelton/McKi nney, TX Susan Skipper/Tyler, TX Claudette Smith/Searcy, AR Richard Treadway/N. littl e Rock, AR Cynthia Walters/Monroe, lA Darrell Webb/S ilvis, Il Philip Wilkerson/N. little Rock, AR Patricia Woods/Sea rcy, AR Rocky Woodson/ li ve rmore, CA Jon Yingling/Sea rcy, AR Graduate Students/269