1982-1983 Yearbook

As Different as On and Off Not even E.T. could have call+ ed home to Cathcart, Kendall, or Pattie Cobb dorms. Phone lines to these dorms seemed to be busy all day long. About the only time a call went through was when no one whom the caller 2 '" - Darrel/t. Tr/,litt wanted to talk to was there. As much as the girls stayed on the phone, the guys stayed off. In fact, it was often impossible to get anyone to answer the phone in Harbin, Graduate, Keller, or Armstrong. Supposedly all those girls were talking to the guys, but that wouldn' t explain why the guys' phones went unanswered. Just who were the girls talking to? There was no real way of tell· ing who the girls were talking to and why the guys' phones rang on and on. This article was meant to be a survey of students regard· ing phone usage, but the writer couldn't get through to Cathcart, and no one answered in Harbin . ~ - Michael Corrigan - Ion Chddwell 1. Christy Waterson strikes a common pose on Partie Cobb 3 West 2. Even the desk phone stays busy in Kendall as Janelle Rhodes passes the time on her shift. 3. Whether or not these phones in Grad are ringing, they at+ tract the same response · none. Becky Deon Walker/Hughes Springs, TX Deborah Marie Walker/Eve rett, WA David Wall/G oldsboro, NC Kimberley Wallis/little Rock , AR Jay Walls/Co lumbus, OH Steven Mark Walters/Minerva , OH David Ward/Sea rcy, AR Gina Ward/Memphis, TN Joseph Ward/Flo rri sa nt, MO Karen Lee Ward/Searcy, AR Kathern Ward/Arnold, MO Donna Warren/Searcy, AR Eric Warren/ Benton, AR Curtis Washington/Memphis, TN Lisa Watts/Pine Bluff , AR Richard Weaver/Vacav ille, CA Michael West/Kennett , MO Caye Western/Beedevill e, AR Sherrie Westmoreland/Mesquite, TX Kimberly Wexler/A rden, NC Karen Wheatley/Searcy, AR Susan WheelerlJ udsonia, AR Sheila Whisenhunt/Mena, AR Stephanie Whitford/Auburn, CA Melinda Whitlow/Minco, OK Tr;JIcy Willard/Wes t Plains, MO Connie Sue Williams/Anchorage, AK Keith Williams/Pensacola, Fl Rhond;JI Nell WiIIi;JIms/Fo rdyce. AR P;JImel;JI Winberry/Shreveport, LA Cheryl Wolfe/Memphis, TN Brent Setzler Wood/No little Rock, AR Jon D. WoodIN. little Rock. AR Sh;JIuna Wood/Hope, AR Ginger Lynn Woodell/Searcy, AR Thomas Wornock/ littl e Rock, AR Iva Wright/Sellersburg, IN Johnna Wright/O' Fallon, MO Lorri Young/Harri son, AR Stefano Young/York , NE Gary Shawn ZitojPrescott, AZ Smelser-Zito/265