- Ryan Tucker Paula Robinson/Mobile, AL Terri Robinson/Lilburn, CA David Robison/Sea rcy, AR Scott Robnett/Weatherford, OK Ru Anne Rogers/Piggott, AR Brian Mack Rose/Beebe, AR Karen Roseberry/Ft. Worth, TX John Mark Ross/McCaskill, AR Bryan Rowlett/Little Rock, AR Kevin Royal/Martinez, CA Kenneth Royster/Bowie, TX Cynthia 10 Rucker/Mul lica Hill, NJ Steven Runsick/Ash Flat, AR Sherry RushlJackson, MO Craig Russell /Antioch, TN Michael Saegert/Siloam Springs, AR Patty Sanders/Indianapolis, IN Larry Sanderson/Hysham, MT Lisa Lelani San Juan/Camden, AR Jill Savage/C incinnati, OH Beth Schatzman/Memphis, TN A Better Understanding for Harding, because 300-400 black community residents attend the programs. " The second annual observance of Black History Month took place at Harding University this year during the month of February. "The Black Perspective: A Better Understanding" remained the theme for this year's celebration as well, with several programs planned and performed by black students at Harding. Purpose of the programs, according to Richard King, Bible instructor and faculty sponsor for the students, was to show the black person's perspective of life and to show blacks as well as whites where black people have been and where they're going. The 1983 program was more entertaining than last year's informative-oriented presentation. Much of the credit went to transfer student Veronica Williams, a Spring Sing hostess this year, who wrote the show; Angela Dean, who edited it; and seniors Willie Darden and Dewayne Allen, who directed the show. CCP student Erroll Keller and his wife, Rhonda, also had major roles in the production, along with senior Marneda Wade. "I've been here seven years," said King, one of two black faculty members. /lThree years ago we tried to start a program but couldn't get it off the ground. It's an excellent public relations tool James Kiggins offered another viewpoint: "The programs show that we have unity and it gives us a chance to establish ourselves at a predominantly white university." Student productions included a musical program February 5, " The Gospel Explosion," at which several out-of-state groups performed spirituals along with a group from Harding, a chapel program February 18, and the tit le production February 28, which was a chronologica l view of black roles in American society. '<: - Bruce Cook Tyree Maxwe/f and Tyran Baker blend their voices during "The Gospel Ex. plosion. " Robert Schmittou/Memphis, TN Lori Schwartz/Memphis, TN Elizabeth Carol Scott/Kingsport, TN Susan Jill SealfE. Prairie, MO Robert Sears/Webster Groves, MO Daniel Sedgwick/Baton Rouge, LA Jessica Shackelford/S hreveport, LA Rebecca Shannon/Centervi lle, TN Jeffrey Alan Shaver/Valparaiso, IN Susan Shepherd/Roanoke, VA Gerald Lynn ShippfTexarkana, TX Eric Shoffner/Weldon, AR Jeffrey Sholey/Memphis, TN Sean Simmons/Lincoln, IL Russell Sims/Mesquite, TX Angela Sinapiades/Athens, Greece Stacy Sizemore/Birmingham, AL Patricia Skipper /Tyler, TX Pamela Slater/Oallas, TX Kim SleegefMarshalltown, IA Lisa SloanfF t. Campbell , KY Okoronkwo-Sloan/263