1982-1983 Yearbook

Debbie Anne Grant/Miami Beach, Fl Demaree Gregersen/Sea rcy. AR Steven Grissim/Brentwood, TN Jeffery Grow/Coeur D'Alene, 10 Richard Gruendel/Port Jefferson, NY Suzie Gumbs/Christian sted, Saint Croix Donna Gurchiek/Te rre Haute, IN James A. GurchiekiTerre Kaute, IN Connie Hagler/ lufkin, TX Peggy Haines/Palm Beach Gardens, Fl Norman F. Hale/Searcy, AR Amy Hall/Burkburnett, TX Dara Hallman/Pickton, TX Steven Hanes/Mandeville, lA Victoria Hansen/Nogales, AZ Allen Harden/Mt. Dora , Fl Kimberly Harmon/Sea rcy, AR Melody Anne Harrell /Me na, AR Jay Harriman/Miami , Fl Michael Harris/Godfrey, Il Robert Harsh/Vi rgin ia Beach, VA Richard Hawkins/C leve land Heights, OH Laurette Heaton/Knoxville, TN Karrie Heffington/ little Rock , AR Donna Helms/Russellville. AR Allen Henderson/Sea rcy, AR Lin Henderson/Ro lling Fork , 'MS Wesley Henderson/Mountain Home, AR Pamela Hendrix/Memphis, TN David D. Hicks/ Bettendorf, IA William Higginbotham/Washington, DC Todd Hill/Decatur, AL Jonathan Hines/St. Lou is, MO Darlynn Holland/Royse City, TX Wesley Holland/N. Palm Beach, Fl Ann Holliman/Bartlesville. OK Cheryl Holst/C linton, lA Deborah Honey/Archer, Fl Janet Hood/Huntington Beach, CA leslie Hooper/Kilgore, TX Anita Hopper/ l onoke, AR Kerrie l. Horn/Norc ross, CA Freshmen They Get to Know - and Dorm - Freshmen Residents of Armstrong Hall quickly found out about halt moni· tors, at least after the first time they were reprimanded by one, Freshmen men have never been known for maturity and the freshmen dorms have never been called a haven for sanity, either. Hall monitors have been unique to Armstrong for years. They have evolved into a higher form of Big Brother than Orwell ever imagined. Tony Bradley, assistant dor· mitory manager, gave, the rea· sons for having hall monitors in Armstrong. " The basic necessity of having hall monitors in the freshmen dorms is because of the college pranks and the general nature of young men," he said. 258/Freshmen Whereas resident assistants have traditionally policed dorms for infractions, the crowded freshmen men 's dorm always ca lled for reinforcements. Kevin Hall, an Armstrong R.A. , commented on the need for hall monitors, " When you have over 100 guys in a dorm, you can't have men yelling, etc., when others are trying to study or sleep. Some just don't realize that they are infringing on the rights of others by all their noise and blasting stereos." Hall monitors have the ability to dorm men, Freshman David Wall observed that though he realizes they are in authority, sometimes hall monitors let it "go to their heads." Despite the "tough guy" image hall monitors have managed to attain, some have a reall y good attitude about freshmen . Jimmy love, a hall monitor for two years, said, " I like being a hall monitor because it allows me to know a lot of the guys." Bradley expressed a desire to eliminate hall monitors from the freshmen dorm but said that it would be difficult to do that. " I wish we could do without them, but it saves the R.A.'s and other dorm personnel the job of controlling the men until they go to sleep after curfew. " ~ . - Joe Taylor and Jane Gore Nights seems long to Jim Love as he keeps the peace on Armstrong J-short