1982-1983 Yearbook

- Darrell L Truitt ;11;=~~~:7:;;=~~:::~ a piano ~. - . er performs. In 1 hede"ck MOYon Auditonum. 2' oth . . / in the Bens with sma 24/Concerts fec/ta . hI Moyer plays h the au- h pothg , h pe as § I e s. 3 The S op . seats. •. perfect,on. the edge of the" of Har- § dience on wins the hearts cert. § M;chael.Jce7h",;~Jinic before th~J~O;t the t ding dunng Ih Davis songs a s oncert in Dr Kenne 0 chestra c d 5. . Symphony r s the crow . Arkansas berg impresse L: ~~~~u::'Y~~al;i~g synthesizers <Q><Q.l 1 • <QxQxQ> . ~ ~ ,t l.