He Sets His Sights Skyward "It's good to ha ve a variety of in· terests. J tried to be involved in as many different aspects of campus life as I could." _ Tim Petree His family moved often because of his dad's military career, and Tim seemed to pick up a new interes t each time he moved. He learned and loved scuba diving, ski ing, funning, and flying. The latter skill he even turned into a business as he flew commercial charter flights on request and gave flying lessons while at Harding. Flying was one of Petree's main interests while he was in Searcy. His posters in the dorms advertising pilot lessons with a certified instructor always created conversation. This experience of flying around through the air typified Petree's outlook on many facet s of his I ife. This year he changed directions with his studies. "I had focused on all areas of life with the possible exception of aca~ demics," he said. This year was different. Petree aimed higher and set his goals on better grades. "I spent four years saying I could do it if I wanted to; now I'm showing that I can," he said. Contributing much to Harding during his five years here, Petree served as chairman of the S.A. special projects and spiritual life committees. He worked in the Big Buddies program and also participated in Conquerors. Petree felt that Harding gave back to him what he invested in Harding. " My time here has pr<r vided me with a place to develop direction. Whatever I choose to do will be facilitated by that direction, " he sa id. Plans after graduation includ~ ed travel, a job in the fie ld of sa les, and moving (one more time) . Pettee directed his varied in~ terests and experiences to set his goals high and then work'ed to atilain them . . ~ , - Michael Corrigan All sys tems are go as Tim Petree checks the controls before he takes 011. Robert lee Whitaker/Nashville, TN. Bible. TNT; International Campaigns; Chi Lambda Chi beau; Intramurals, AII'Star; Timothy Club; World Evangelism Forum. James Russell White/Fort Wayne, IN. Marketing. Knights; OEGE beau; Intramurals. William Mark White/Searcy, AR. Biology TNT. president. sec.; Alpha Chi; Freshman class president; Intramurals. All-Star; Pre-Med Club; Who's Who 'rerew lYIy White/Goodl ettsvill e, TN. journalism. Zeta Phi Zeta, treasurer; Barristers; Bison staff, business manager, reporter; JOY; Public Relations Student Soc.iety of America, secretary; $pclety for the Advancement of Management; Society for Collegiate jourtklhsts; University Singers; Who's Who. PamN Sue Wiggins/fort Wayne, IN. Elementary Education. Transfer from Oklahoma Christian College; Klrel Na Ai; Alpha Chi; Kappa. Delta Pi; Petit Jean staff; SNEA. Michael K. Willi.lms/Wichita, KS. Chemistry. Sigma Tau Sigma; Alpha Chi; Pre-Me<! Club. bndall Scott Willi.lmsiNewport, AR. Systems Analysis. Delta Omega; Data Processing Management Association; Society for the Advancement of Management. Qua Suunne Wilson/Pocahontas, AR. Management . Transfer from Crowley's Ridge College. Chi Alpha Rho, treasurer; Alpha Chi; Delta Mu Delta; Intramurals; Phi Beta lambda; Society for the Advancement of Management. Giry Paul W~son/Waco, TX. Music Education. Alpha Chi; Band, Concert, Marching. Pep; Belles and Beau~; Internatlotkll Campaigns; Chamber Singers; Chorale, president, v. preSI - dent; Dacty lology Club; Who's Who; Troubadours. David Roy Wood/Paragould, AR. Management. TNT; Int ramurals, All-Star; Society for the Ad· vancement of Matklgement; Dean's list. Gigi Jeaninne Wood/Heber Springs, AR. Biochemistry. Intramurals; Pre-Med Club. June Ann Wood/Hot Springs, AR. Nursing. Delta Chi Omega; Alpha Chi, v. president; May Campaigns; Chorale; Sigma Theta Tau; Who's Who, Michel B, Wood/Roland, OK. Spedal fducation. Chi Sigma Alpha; A Cappella; Men's Ensem· ble; Big Buddies; International Campaigns; Intramurals. 5;lndra Dee Wood/Madison Heights, MI. Elementary Education. Chi Lambda Chi, president, v. president, treasurer; Kappa. Tau Omega queen; SNEA. Anita Daniel Woodruff/Searcy, AR. El ementary Education. Ko Jo Kai ; Alpha Chi; Kappa. Delta Pi ; SNEA: Who's Who. Anthony Woodruff/Searcy, AR. Management. Sub-T 16; American Studies; Cross Country; Society for the Advancement of Management; Young. Republicans. Arthur Clifton Woods IWCornlng. AR. Marketing. Chi Sigma Alpha; A Cappella; Barristers; Belles and Beaux; Regina beau; Dramatics; Society for the Advancement of Management; Spring Sing Host; UniVersity Singers; Who's Who, Clrol Wrixht/judsonia, AR. Mass Communications. Transfer from ASlJ-Beebe. Alpha Chi; KHCA staff, music director; PR Club. David lynn Wright/Searcy, AR. Management. TNT, secretary; Alpha Chi; Belles and Beaux; Bison staff, columnist; May Campaigns; Chorale; Shantih beau; Intramurals, All-Star; Society for the Advancement of Management; Who's Who; Young Republicans. jerry lynn Wright/Bald Knob, AR. Accounting. Alpha Chi; Delta Mu Delta; Pi Gamma Psi. ~:~~~~~e:~h~d~:~~~(~t~ii!i;n~hT~ae~~l~~~a:exarkana Community College. Sh.uon Elizabeth Wright/Searcy, AR. French. GATA; International Campaigns; French Club; World Evangelism Forum. Debra ~ne Young/Hutchinson, KS. Social Work. Transfer from York College. National Assoclauon of Christians in Social Work; Dean's list. (r.is Thomas Zeringue/Ama. LA. Bible. Transfer from louisiana State University. Kappa Tau Omega, treasurer; Timothy Club. T ritsc hl er-Zeringue/233