- John J. Radcliffe lena Annette Thomu/Columbus, CA. Nursing. Eastern European Campaigns; Resident Assistan t. Christopher Alan Thompson/Slf?('py Hollow, CA. Marketing. Transfer from College o f Marin. Alpha Omega; American Studies; Barnsters; Sison staH, photographer; CenArk Student Crotto; Data Processing Management Association; Inlramurals, jacket winner; Petit )un staff, photographer, photo editOf; Society for the Advancement of .Y.anagement; Society for Col· legiate journalists; College Republicans. DeAnne Thompson/Austin, TX. o\t\arketing. Ko 10 Kai; "HEA; Big Sisters; Phi Beta lambda; Col· lege Republ icans. IGmberty Ann Thompson/carmel , IN. Marketing. Mitzi c.yle Thompson/Carrollton, lX. Physical Educatioo. Zeta Rho, president, II. presidei'll, secretary; May Campaigns; Inlramurals, AII-Sta,; Kappa DelICi Pi; PEM\1 Club; University Singers; Dean's list . Vernon keith Thompson/Orange Park, FL. Mass Media. Alpha Tau Epsilon; Bison staff. reponer; Zeta Phi Zeta beau; Intramurals; Spee<:h Arts; KHCA staff. station manager, prol"m diredor; Petit lun staff; PR Club, v. president; Society for Collegiate Journalists; Co lege Republicans . Wilwm Douglu Thornlon/.v.alden, MO. Elementary Education. AGO; Band, Concert Marching; KHCA staff; Resident Assistant; SNEA; Timothy Oub; Troubadours; College Republicans. .!alene M. Todd/Prairie Crove, AR. OffKe Administration. lu Go Ju . keith TomlinsonlJudsonia, AR. Accounting. Edwin Arthu r Torrey/S.a rasota, Flo Biology_ Ka Re Ta beau; Pre-Dental dub. JShowcaseJ from its perch in a tree on the front lawn, a catbird surveys the surroundings through the wintry bareness of the branches. Jerry Tr;ilpp/lakewood, CO. Marketing. Den~se Ann T.r;il\li$/West Covina, CA. Marketing. Transfer from Pepperdine University. OEG(, president; Chicago Campaigns; Softball Tommy ,o\o\;trion Tru dwaylSearcy, AR. Accounting. Transfer from Arkansas State University . Pi Gamma PSI; Society for the Advancement of .v.anagement; College Republicans. J;ilm~ Anthony Tr~ceICa ruthersvllle, MO. Business Systems Analysis. Sub-T 16; Data Processing Management Association; Intramurals. Jeff Truesdell/Muir, MI. Art. Sowe ll~ Treusdell /231