G~ory N. RedorfSe'!IICy. Alt. Accounting. Galaxy, secreiary: American Studies; Senior class v. president; Petit )e,n staff; Pi Gamma Psi, president; Phi Beta lambda; Society for the Advancement of M.lnagement; Dean's US!. Trt'HiI Moore ItKtoriSearcy, Alt. Marketing. Ju Go Ju, president, historian; Phi Beta lambda; Society for the Advancement of Management. DavMt ReddinaINevada, 1v\O. Physical Education. Galaxy; Alpha Chi; Big Buddies; Ju Co Ju beau; PfM\.1 Club; Who's 'Ivho; Tennis, Alt-AIC, AII·NAIA District 17, Academic All-American. Doll8lu Andrew Reed, JrJo'v\arieua, GA. Art. Chi Sigma Alpha; Art Guild; Australian Campaigns; Inlramurals . Krist~ Dilwn Reed/Broken Arrow, OK. Elementa ry Education. Alpha Chi; umpaigns, Utah, Eastern Europe; Conquerors; Kappa Delta Pi; Resident Assistant. IJsI G. Reed/Russel lvill e. Alt. Music Education. S.ndra by ReediRoanoke, lX. Management. Transfer from Cir.co Junior Col lege. OECE; Alpha Chi ; American Studies; Delta Mu Delta; Intramurals. AII'Star; SocIety for the Advancement of Management; Dean's List. Te .ew Reeh/Sh.evepo.t, tAo Physical Education. De.rt'k R-'New Orleans. LA. Social Work. Kevin R. ReynoldslSearcy. AR. Management. Gala~V; Society for the AdvarM::ement of Management . Ste...en Lule Ric:h"dslPoustown. PA. Music Education. Sigma Tau Sigmet; A Tempo; Band. Concert. Marching. Pep. Stage; Chorale; Oramatio; Intramurals. Christop~ Pa trick RiIey/Hyansvi lie. MD. Psychology. Transfer from Northeastern Christian junior College. Sigma Tau Sigma; Alpha Chi; Psi Chi, president; SA Comminee Chairman, special pi"~ts; Who's Who. Eric ~ne RHylFort Worth. TX. Advertising. Galaxy. historian; An Guild; KHCA staff; University Singers; College Republicans; PRSSA. v. p.esident. Jeanne foWllrt'en Roberts/Gainesville. Flo Dietetio. Ko fa Kai; AHEA; Dietetics Club; JOV; May Fete royalty. Patricia Robinson/Garland. TX. Management. OECE; Campaigns. International. Spring Break; Intretmurals. All-Star. jacket wInner. spons skills champion; Society for the AdvarM::ement of Manetgement; Spanish Ollb, _ Teresa Anne Robinson/Birmingham. Al. Elementetry Educettion. jll Co )11. v. president, historietn. f . Christine Roland/Brockwell. AR. Vocettional Home Economics. Chi tambdet Chi. president; AHEA; JOY; Kappa Delta Pi ; SNEA; College Republicans; Deetn·s list. -"\ark Stephen lossio/Florissant, MO. Business Systems Analysis. Transfer from St. loois Community College. Kappa Tau Omega; American Studies; Junior class se<retary; Data Processing Management Association; Intramurals; Society for the Advancement of Management; Dean's l ist. 0- F. Rouse/Cabot. AR. Nursing. Transfer from ASlJ-Bef!be. Terry Euge ne Rlisk/Searcy, AR. Management . Transfer from York College. larbira Jane S.kelIaiMidland. TX. Nursing. Transfer from Texas Woman's University. Theta Psi. Teny t . S.nlkf1lCamden, AA.. Management_Knights, pi"esident; Betet Tau beetU; Society fOf the MvarM::ement of Management . ~ur. De.nn. Silndenon/Hysham, MT. Elemenlary Education. Tretnsfe, from YOlk College . ).iy [}ff s.... ageiGraham. TX. Marketing. TNT; Amerk:.m Studies; Chi lambda Chi beau; Intramurals. All-Star; Swimming. Jennifer Rllth SchmidtlWasco . CA. Computer Appliutions. Ko fa Kai. president, treaSYrer; Alpha Chi . treasurer; American Studies; May Campaigns; Senior class secretary; Inlramurals. All-Star; Who's Who. Rich.rd Thorn., Schmin/5anlet Rosa, CA. Compu ter Applicalions. AGO; Intramurals. Lynn Anne Schr.nk/New Orleans, LA. Management. Kappa Phi, secretary; Americetn Studies; Softball ; Society for the Advancemenl of Manetgement; Dean·s li st. Douglu !tIlph Schw.rtzlMesquite. TX. Management. Sub·T 16; American Studies; Intramural!. All -Star; Society for the Advetncement of Management. Kilrin. Scon/Paoli. PA. Religious Education. Beth Ann SewelllColumbia. MO. Managemenl. Chi lambda Chi, v. presidenl, treasurer; American Studies; Band, Marching. Concert; Big Sisters; Campaigns, May. Chile; May Fete royally; Phi Beta lambdet ; Society for the AdvarM::ement of Managemenl. M<1Irtin !tIul Sewell/St_Charles. 1v\O. Physics. Alpha Tau; Campaigns, Hondurets. Venezuela; Cross Country; Track. Rebe«a Rae Sellon/Bowie , MD. Biology. Beta Tau Gamma; Pre-Med Club. Donn.1 }Oy Sh.ckeliordiSearcy, AA.. Nursing. Omega Phi, v. president, secre ta ry; Big Sisters; Campaigns, Spring Break, Internaliooal, Northwest; JOV. president; May Queen aUendetnl; Resident Assistant; University Singers; Student Nurses' Associettion, secretet ry; Who's Who; World Evangelism Forum. secretary. Oiubeth Rochelle Sh.ddo .... Harri~. AR. Elementary Education . Ka Re Ta. historian; May Campaigns; Intramurals; SNEA. Todd Lebnd SheidonJtetVislet, NB. Accounting. Tret nsfer from York College. Alpha Chi; Campaigns. International; Dehet Mu Delta; Intramuretls; Pi Gamma Psi; Phi Beta lambda . Auborn Joseph Shep.1lrd II/Bethany. OK. Business Systems Anetlysis. Tretnsfer from Bethany College. Kappa Sigma Kappa; Americetn Siudies; ju Co ju beau; To-'ebt beau; Data Processing Nlanagement AsSOClaiIOn, v. president; Intramurals; Football; ReSIdent AsSlSlant; Society for the Advancement of Management; Dean's List. Mich.eI o. Shirley/Newport, AR. Biology. Transfer from Memphis State University. Alpha Tetu Epsilon; Big Buddies; Intramurals, jacket winner; Pre-Med Club. liw Kim ShO<1lf/Nashville, TN. Music Educettion., Transfer from David lipscomb College . Zetet Rho; Band. Concert. Marching. Pep, Stage, Stnng. drum major; Bel Canto Singers. Timothy A. Sho.fN/hites Creek, TN. Biology. TNT: Track. gradU<lte etssistant; Pre-Med Club. Edwin Rrid Simmons/Searcy, AR. Phy$ketl EducatIon. Transfer from the UniverSIty of Central Arketnsas . Buccaneers; Intramurals, All-Star. 228/Seniors Seniors