1982-1983 Yearbook

Anthony CMnIl ,~mlomJMI. P(easan!, TX. HistOfy. American Studies; Barristers; Forensics Team; Debate; Phi Alpha Theta; Pi Gamma Psi; Pi Kappa [)elta. ~m 'olrilft/Memphis, TN. Business Systems Analysis. SI.Iun 81een P,,"'eyiJ,lckson, TN. Spe(:ial Education. Zeta Rho; Spring Break Campaigns; TNT, queen; College Bowl; Homecoming class representative; Kappa Delta Pi; May Fete royalty; Petit Jean queen; SNfA; Who's Who; Winter Festillal class representative. IUothryn PilrtilinJMaivern, ,o.R. Accounting. Ka Re Ta; Band, Concert. Marching. Pep; Pi Gamma Psi; Phi Kappa Delta. l..\tonio1l June Pasley/Searcy, ,o.K. Elementary Education. Zeta Phi Zeta, v. president, senetary; Intramurals; Kappa Delta Pi; SNEA. Bill Ro<:klyn Path/College Station, IX. Bible. Transfer from Texas A8M Univefl;ity and University of Arkansas. Timothy Club. David Gll!'nn P"yne/Mt, Drab, OH. Physical Education. Transfer from Ohio Valley College. Alpha Tau Epsilon; Baseball; PEM\.1 Club. Rib. I@an Payn@IO·Fal lon,MO.BusinessSystemsAnalysis. Chi Alpha Rho, president, v. president, treasurer; Spring Break Campaigns; Data Processing Management Associa tion; Resident AsSistant; Society for the Advancement of Management. Mar\,: Dwayn@ P@acock./Memphis, TN. Busille5s Systems Analysis. TNT, treasurer; Big Buddies; Spring Break Campaigns; Chorale; Seniot c lass v. president; Data Processing Management Association; Intramurals; Society for the Advancement of Management. Bizab@th ~y PNrson/Baton Rouge, LA. Nursing. Phi Delta. }Kqu@!yn Polk P~arcy, AR. Nursing. I@nni@ D.I~ P~k/San Angelo, TX. Alpha Gamma Omege; Alpha Chi; Campaigns, May; Chi Lambda chi beau; Resident Assistant; nmothy Club; World Evangelism forum. ).Iy H. P@fdl,l@/Memphis, TN. Advertising. Chi Sigma Alpha; Bison staff, editor, reporter, ool· umnist; PR Club; Society for Colieliate journalists; \o\o11o's Who; Young Republic.lns. Paul E. P@ridnsiRochester, NY. Eng ish. Transfer from Northeastern Christian Junior College. Alpha Chi; Alpha Psi Omega; Campus Players; Dramatics; Readers' Theater. SuYn D@nis@P@rkinsitiverpool, NY. french and English. Regina; A Cappella; Alpha Delta Mu; Campaigns, french; Chi Sigma Alpha queen; french Club; Homecoming Queen attendant; Homecoming class representative; Kappa Delta Pi; Sigma Tau Delta; Who's Who. loimes Shoiun P@rryIOermou, AR. PhySical Education and Biology. Transfer from University of Arkansas at Monticello. Sub-T 16; Track and Cross·Count ry tramer; PEM\.1 Club; Pre-Med Club; SNEA. Jeffrey Alan P@rryNienna, VA. Marketing. Theta Tau Delta, treasurer; Intramural s, All-Star; Swimming; Society for the Advancement of Management. nmothy Woiyn@ P@tfffIMedina, OH. Marketing. Lambda Sigma; Big Buddies; Conquerors; Intr<lmurals; Society for the Advancement of Management; SA Committee Chalfman, special projects, spiritual life. Mike P@tti@IMarvell, AR. Elementary Education. Alpha Gamma Omega; May Campaigns; Chorale; Intramurals; Kappa Delta PI; Resident Assistant; SNEA. VICtor kftth Phoires/Shreveport, LA. Speech. Transfer from Abilene Christian University. Alpha Chi; Campus Players; Dramatics; forensics Team; KHCA staff; Readef'!;' ~ater; World Evange lism forum. Jobn Man. I'tIillipslWateriord, CA. Ps~Ioi1:v. nmothy Woi}'7l@ PhiIIip5/lenoir, NC. Biology.Transfer from Appalachian State University. SubT 16, secreta ry; Sigma Phi Mu beau; Big Buddies. hm@roil@@ I'tIillips/Columbus, OH. Elementary Education. Transfer from Michigan Christian College. lu Go lu; Band, Marching; Softball; Kappa Delta Pi, trea~urer; PEM\.1 Club. Kolthy Burson I'ickh.rdtlAtlanta, GA. Accounting. Shantih; Alpha Chi; American Studies; Delta Mu Delta; Pi Gamma Psi; Business Team; \o\o11o's Vtr'ho; Dean'~ list. Malic MhoirdtiDallas, TX. Biology. Lambda Sigma; Alpha Chi; Track; Pre-Med Club; Dean's List. P.ul Michoiel Pier«INashville, TN. Accounting . Transfer from David lipscomb College; Knights, v. president; Alpha Chi; Delta Mu Delta; Pi Gamma Psi. Martin Lynwood Poinsett/J\o\emphis, TN. Business Systems Analysis. Kappa Sigma Kappa, treasurer; Data Processing Management Association; Society for the Advancement of Management. Millry Ann Port@r/fairiax, VA. Spanish. Venezuelan Campaigns; Spanish Club. I'tIi~p Shilwn Portef/Cashmere, WA. Chemistry. Knights, secretary, treasUlet; Venezuelan Campaigns; College Bowl; Dramatics; Intramurals; Tennis; Spanish Club; World Evangelism forum. Terry lynn Pott@rlflushing,MI.Art . Transfer from Michigan Christian College. Regina; A Ca~ pella; Art Guild; French Club; Kappa Pi. AIic@).InePoweil/lasVegas, NV. Psychology. OEC(, secretary; ....Ipha Chi; Spring Break Campaigns; Psi Chi. I.jy Joy PowerslCnaodler, IN. Special Education. Ko .10 Kai; Alpha Chi; Titans queen; Kappa Del ta Pi; Petit leoin queen; Winter festival queen; Winter festival class repres.entalive. 5oImu@! Armstrong Pr.tt/Quincy, Il. Management . AGO; Chorale; Society for the Advancement of Management; Campaigns, Scotland. Peff)' Alson Putm.tnJAustin, TX. Social Work . Alpha Tau Epsilon; Big Buddies; Arizona Cam· paigns; Zeta Phi Zeta beau; Hot Line staff;National Association of Christians in Social Work, treasurer; University Singers; Young Democrats. Me~ndol Hope R.ldcliffe/Colonial Heights, VA. Psychology. Transfer from Richard Bland Col· lege and Virginia Commonwealth University. Sigma Phi Mu; Alpha Tau queen. Joel Oilvid RaglilndlCookeville, TN. Music Education. AGO; Alpha Chi, president; A Temp!.J; Band, Concert, Marching, Pep; Campaigns, International; Chorale; College Bowl; Kappa Pi; Phi AlphaTheta; SNEA; Who's Who; World Evan~ehsm Forum; Dean's list. Piltriciil Sue RilmseylBaton Rouge, LA. MathematiCS. Chi Alpha Rho; Alpha Chi; Camp.ligns, International; Dactylology Club; Kappa Delta Pi; May queen attendant. Robert It1mseylPikeville, KY . Management . Thomas l@@ It1mseylWarren. OH. Management. Society for the Advancement of Management ).leI. Alan Itiwlings/rv\cHenrey, ll. Management . Lambda Sigma, v. president; Kappa Phi queen; lntramurafs; Society for the Advancement of Management. Newlin-Rawlings/227