Seniors lI.~c .. c...y~ l ee/Palm Beach Gardens, FL Elementa ry Education. Robert lee/Jacksoovilte. NC. Accounting. Alpha Tau Epsilon; Bowling. AIl-AIC; Pi Gamma Psi. Wendell letsinger/Rockford, IL Economics. Willi.lm I . LewdlenlSearcy, All.. Bible. Timothy Oub; World Evang.e1ism Forum. lin~ l ee Lewis/Canton, OH. Special Education·l.D. Young Republicans. Ted Ius Lloyd/Searcy, AR. Physical Education. Sub-T 16; Alpha Chi; GATA beau: In tramurals, AII-Slar; Tennis; Kappa Delta Pi; Phi Alpha Theta; PEIYIM Club; SNEA. Gress D.I"id Lotilne/Fa inax, VA . Mass Communications. TNT; Alpha Psi Omega; campaigns, Northeast, Chicago; Campus Players; DramatiCs; Intramurals, All-Star; KHCA staff; PR Club; Resident Assistant . Ronald W..yne Lumpdk/New Philadelphi a, OH. Bible. Alpha Tau. Mike Wayne lyle/Searcy, AR. English. Frater Sodalis; IntramUlal s; Football; Kappa Delta Pi, p!"esident, v, president; Resident Assi~tant; Sigma Tau Delta; Dean'~ list. TerHl Ann Lyle/Nashville, TN. Special Education. Tofebt, historian. Why Do I Gatta Take It? The Junior English Proficiency Exam, more affectionately referred to· as the J.E.P. , was one of Harding's requirements for graduation. The exam was one of the most unpopular requirements to be fulfilled during the junior or senior year when one was planning to graduate. It was given twice a semester. Students were allowed one and a half hours to write a 300 word essay. TopiCS varied from current events to campus events to school experiences. Although the test wasn' t required by the English department, they were given the greater responsibility for it. English staff members turned in topics and Dr. Dennis Organ, chairman, picked the ones to be used. After the exam, the staff members divided the papers and began the tedious chore of grading. If anyone teacher marked a failing grade, Dr. Organ rechecked that paper. No paper was ultimately failed by one teacher. Next, a notice was sent to the student from Dean Pryor to notify the student of passing or failing. If the test was failed, a checklist was inserted to let the student know what his weak points were. For those who didn't want to take the j.E.P., there were several outs. First, nearly everyone had a chance to cancel the exam requirement when they took English 103. This course stressed prinCiples of effective writing. Students had to receive a "8" or better in the course at Harding or an "A" in a comparable course at another school. Next, there was the option of taking English 249, which stressed grammar and writing skills. Dr. Organ said, "Most of the students avoid having to take the course and end up failing the J.E.P. several times before they realize they should just take the course." There was another course which would fulfill the J.E.P. requirement. Robert J. lyon/Marandellas. Zimbabwe, Africa . Biology. Big Buddies. Robert b y LyontlSearcy, AR. Bible. May Campaigns. ILlrry P.ul M.tkudllSpringfield, MA. Bible. Timothy Oub. Eiubelh J,lyne Motnn/Wesl Memphis. AR. Elementa ry Educa tion. Kappa Kappa Kappa; Alpha Chi; International Campaigns; JOV; Kappa Delta Pi. Johnny Allen M.tnnlMiami, OK. Biblical Languages. Alpha Gamma Omega; Alpha Chi; North· e.ut Campaigns; Timothy Oub, p!"esident, secretary. D<lVid M.trtlMemphis, TN. Management . Juli.t Di.nne M.trtin/Rosston, AR. Psychology. Beta Tau Gamma; JOV. Kevin M.trtinlBloomington, IN. Chemistry. Johnny Clay M.tlloclc/Searcy, AR. Music Education. Chi Sigma Alpha; A Cappell a, president; Men's Ensemble; Belles and Beaux. M.trcia Cwyn M.ttlodoi5earcy, AR. Mu$ic Education. Shantih; A Cappella, v. president; Women's Ensemble; A Tempo; Belles and Beaux; Spring Sing Hostess. 224/Seniors It was the dreaded English 281 , or Advanced Composition. Well, if all else failed, there was the J.E.P. Karen O'Donaghy was worried about the exam but said, " It wasn' t as hard as I thought it would be." She felt sorry for the people who had taken it three and four times and were back for another bout with it. "They brought the biggest dictionaries," she said. jane Gore was disgusted because at the time she transferred to Harorganize his ideas within a time limit." After spending four years in college, wouldn't someone want to write like an educated person? ~ - Bel5 y Walkup Surrounded by all the paraphernalia that can be brought to the rE.p. (dictionary, thesaurus, white paper, two or more pens with blue or black ink, and student fO card), Karen ODonaghy writ es her essay for the exam. ding her equivalent course at Tex- ~~ ______ ~==========~~:::::::::: .. ~ arkana Community College wouldn' t cancel the test requirement. She, along with many others, had to take the test. jane said, " It was a farce; the topic was irrelevant." Why is the exam required if it seems so meaningless? Dr. Organ said, ''I(s the mark of an educated person to be able to