Deborah Kay Ke llum/Tu pelo. MS. Speech Pathology. Sigma Phi Mu. historian; Kappa Delta Pi; Student Speech and Hearing Associa t ion, treasurer Barry Len Kicklighter/Memphis, TN. Social Work. TNT Diana Michelle KingfGarlar;Jd, TX. Marketing. Shantih, presiden t , treasurer; May Campaigns; Sophomore class treasure r; Junior class v. president; JOY; Phi Beta lambda; Society for the Advancement of Management; SA committee chairman, adve rtising; College Republicans, v. chairman Holly Ray king/Miami. OK , History, Resident Assistant Ma rk D. King/Minden. LA Computer Applications, Sigma Tau Sigma, treasurer; Data Processing Management Association; Intramurals, Jacket Winner Susan Elaif)(' King/Searcy, AR. Vocational HomeEconomics. Theta Psi; AHEA; Northeast Campaigns KIon Keith Kinnear/Oklahoma City, OK, Accounting. Ti tans; Alpha Chi; Baseball; Pi Gamma Psi; Dean's List. bren Ilene Kinney/Oklahoma City. OK. Elementary Ed ucation , Chi Alpha Rho; Big Sisters; Intramurals ; Kappa De ltil Pi; Res ident Assistilnt; SNEA. B. Alan Kinningham/Round Rock. TX. Physics. Titans; Intramu .iI)S. Janet Lynne Kirby/Jackson , TN Nursing, Ko jo Kai ; Titans queen; JOY: Petit Jean Queen attendant kimberly Kirk/Slidell, LA Management. OEGE. secretary; American Studies; JOY; Society for the Advancement of Management. Petty Anne klemm/Bowie, MD, Special Education·l.D. Beta Tau Gamma . Lisa Wampler Kratzer/Bloomington, IN. Art, Chi Alpha Rho; Art Guild; Puerto Rico Campiligns; Kappa Pi. v. president. Rick E. Krug/Anaheim, CA. Bible. TNT; Behavorial Science Club; Bison staff. columnist; Campus Players ; Drilmatics; Hot Line staff; Intramurals; AII -AIC Swimming; KHCA staff; Psi Chi; Timo thy Club; World Evangelism Forum; Who's Who. Sa lly Ann Krumrei/H aarlem. Holland. Fashion Merchandi si ng, Kirei Na Ai; Alpha Chi; AHEA: International Campaigns; Conquerors; Intramurals ; JOY; Spanish Club; World Evangeli sm Forum; Dean's List; Who"s Who. You'll Just Have to Go At the end of a long and bumpy dirt road lies a place of escape for many Harding students. This place of refuge is the old train trestle, located just southwest of Judsonia. Everyone 'knows of the Judsonia trestle, but just what is it about thi s structure that draws students to its old iron tracks and large rusty girders? Is it for the romance of watch* ing beautiful sunsets or the numerous falling stars with a friendly companion? Or perhaps it is for the deathly climb up the rickety ladder to the top of the trest le, or for the thrill of feeling the trest le sway as you watch a speed ing train pass below your dangling feet. For most, a visit to the trestle is a means of getting away from their tedious studies or just to do something " dif* ferent." "When a few of us get tired of sitting around studying, we just head out to the trestle to have a good time," stated senior Mark Fonv ille. " You think that you've tried everything to do for fun, un* til you discover the trestle." Some students, like senior Bev Hounsel. enjoy the trestle, " just for the mystery of it. " Seeing the train's light beaming down the tracks at you at night can send a chill up your spine and even give you second thoughts about being at this dangerous spot. The old Judsonia trestie has been standing across the Little Red River for over 70 years, and will continue to do so in the future. The tres tle has become so familiar to most Harding stu* dents that it has almost become a part of this institution. When asked of her feelings about the old trestle, junior Angie Stalans stated it simply, "You just have to experience it before you leave Harding." ~ - Darrell L. Truitt Judsonia trestfe waits for speeding trains and fUfl..seeking students. Collin La Follette/Carthage. TX. Marketing Derek Alan ldonde/Caro, MI. Bible. Transfer from Delta Community College. Timothy Club: World Evangelism Forum; Dean's List. Janet Andrea Land/Gainesville, Fl, Biology, Tri Sigs, histofiiln; Cenark Student Grotto (Spelunkers); Intramurals, Bi cycli ng Club. John Kent lawrence/Fores tville, MD Systems Analysis, Chi Sigma Alpha; Chorale; Chi Alpha Rho beau; Data Processi flg Managemeflt Associiltion; Troubadour s, president; Swim Team Manager Mark Allen lay/Crowder, OK, Physical Education Knights ; Kappa Delta Kappa beau; In· tramurills. All-Star; Kappa Delta Pi; PEMM Club. Sherry lynl'le lay/Crowder , OK . Elementary Education. Kappa Delta Kappa. v, president. treasurer Allen Eugene Layne/Canton: OH, Social Science, Sigma Tau Sigmil; American Studies; College Bowl ; Debate; Forensics ; Phi Alphil Thetil; Pi Kappil Delta. Scott 8. Ledou l/Searcy, AR. Physicill Educa t ion. Buccilneers; Ju Go Ju beau; Football; PEMM Club lisa lee/N oPa lm Beach. FL Elementary Education Nevadi Ruth Lee/Jilcksonville. NC Social Work. GATA; Barristers; National Association of Christiilns in Social Work Hutcheson-Lee/223