Robert W. HoItIHa rrison, AR. Accounting. Sub-T 16; Alpha. Chi; American Studies; Ka Re Ta beau; Delta o\I\u Delta; Intramurals; Pi Giimma Psi; Dean's list. . ....iIip Ch.l.rIes Hood/Homl5tead, fL Accounting. Sub-T 16; Barristers; Zeta Phi beau; 10tramurals; All-Star; Pi Gamma Psi; Society for the Advancement of Management. TiIdon WaYM Hood/Clarksdale, MS. Histol)'. Alpka Chi; Barristers; Big Buddies; College Sowl; Sigma Tau Sigma, president; Phi Alpha Tketa; Youn~ Republicans. _ . Debbie Ann Hoolen/Amarillo, TX. Social Work. Big Sisters; Russian CampaIgns; Hot tme staff; JOY; National Association of Christians in Social Work, v. president; Resident Assist.lnt; SA Committee Chairman, student affairs; University Singers; Who's Who. Terry Kent Hooten/Dallas, TX. Accounting. TNT; Big Buddies: May Campaigns; Zeta Rho beau; Intramurals; Pi Gamma Psi; Society for tlie Advancement of Management. J.ames_ Harold Horn/lineville, Al. .....u.nagement. ,Kappa Tau Omega. Transfer from Alabama Christian College. Intramurals; Pi Gamma Psi; Phi Beta Lambda; Society for the Advancement of Management. Cindy "nnice Hoskins/Chesapeake. VA. Nursing. Phi Delta; Utah Clmpaigns; Chamber Singers; Dramatics; Student Nurses' Association. Cheryl INn Hostetler/laGrange. IN. Physical Education. OEGE; Spring Campaigns; Intramurals. All-Star: Cr05s-Country; P~ Club. Terry l. Hostetler/laGrange, IN. Biology. Sigma Tau Sigma. ~erly "nniH HounseUShreveport, LA., !tIrt. Ko)o Kai, historian; Art Guild; SutrT 16 queen; Inlramurals, AII'Star; Softball; Kappa Pi . nmothy O. Hou5et'lbgle River, AK. Missions. AGO; KHCA staff; Timothy Club; University Singers. Ronda )Hnette Hudcleston/lieame, TX. Nursing. Phi Delta. historian; Campaigns, Summer, May; lOY; Student Nurses' Associatioo, secretary. Linda leI. HuffmanlSearcy, AR. Elemental)' Eduution. Omega Phi; Alpha au; Band.. Concert, Marching; Campaigns; Northwest, International . Australian; Kappa Delta PI; World Evangelism Forum. Hamel LOf1'ain HunterlWynr.e, AR. Elemental)' Eduution. GATA. Nita Sue Huskey/Pangbu rn, AR. Nursing. Transfer from ASU-Beebe. Major Expenses Sneak up on Seniors little extra for quality. Education majors quickly learned the routes to area djs~ count houses where the total tab for construction paper, tape, paint, stencils, and other para~ phernalia didn't seem to be so discounted. Both students and faculty in the School of Education were aware of these costs. "Faculty members are very sensitive to the expenses of materials. They have directed us to the lowest-priced materials," said Linda Bainton of North Attleboro, Mass. Rrr;nng. Cash registers around Searcy rang up the expenditures of students in certain majors who always needed materials for one more project. Aside from tuition and normal costs of books and living expenses, some students had to find that little bit extra for gas, books, and project supplies and materials. For nursing majors the junior year was .an expensive awakening. That was when they invested in books that could cost up to $500. Since most nurses kept their books, each class had to purchase new ones. Nursing students also began clinicals which involved big gas bills for students who had to drive to Little Rock . Lavetta Washington of Memphis was typical of nursing ma~ jars who encountered costs for a composite picture of the class, a nursing pin, and state boards on top of the books and gas. "I didn't know it was going to be so much," she said, adding, "If I had known ahead of time, I might have worked two jobs last summer! ': Art majors constantly supplied themselves with materials. Jeff Treusdell of Muir, Mich., listed canvasses, frames, heavy stock paper, watercolor pads, and paints as some of the items he needed for his painting classes. Courses in printing, ceramics, and design added more to the total costs for art majors. Local prices of these supplies were high enough that Treusdell looked elsewhere. "I'm smart - larder from an art supply warehouse in Connecticut," he said. Art majors learned the dangers of cutting corners; they knew they had ~o shop selec~ively and pay a Future teachers have comfort~ ed themselves with the thought that any projects they made could be used later in their own classrooms. They also received help from their college classmates. "E lementary education majors are really helpful, " said Bainton; "there is so much sharing of materials that goes on." To unsuspecting parents, those phone calls in the middle of the week for more money were a shock. Perhaps college hand~ books of the future should include an estimated expense ac~ count for each major. Some people might reconsider their financing if they knew the "hidden costs."~ - Doug Reed and Michael Corrigan Terry Potter shops for the best quality at a reasonable price. Griffi th-H uskevl221