).J.mes Michael Griffith/Searcy. AR. Computer Applications. Campaigns Arizona. And~. lou Grimes/Broken Arrow, OK. Business Management. Beta Tau Gamma, historian: Campaigns, Australia; Society for the Advancement of Management; University Singers. Timothy VOilughn Guffey/Searcy, AI!.. Public Relations and Art. Art Cuild; Bison staff; Kappa Pi; Petit J9n staff; PR Club; Society for Collegiate Journalists; Young Republicans. Patricia Ann Gulley/Dongola, Il. Speciili Education. Omega Phi Brenda lou H.ns/Roanoke. Il. Nursing. Chi Lambda Chi; Sigma Theta Tau; JOY Brad H",ddixiSavannah, TN. Bible. Kevin Doug\.ls HoI8et/Baliwin, MO. Accounting. Kappa Sigma Kappa. DoI~ k.ly HilIUW. Memphis, AR. Elementary Education; Ko )0 Kai, president, secretary, historian; Big Sisters; JOY; Kappa Delta Pi; SA Committee Chairman, advertising. Lisa HOlmilton/Scotia. NY. A rt . Anthony Bruce ~nkinsiOil Trough, AR. Accounting. Sigma Tau Sigma; Barristers; Pi Gamma PSI; Society for the Advancement of IVIanagement. Mel.Jinie jane Harding/Glenwood. AR. Physical Education. Tri·Sigma Delta; Intramurals, AllStar, jacket winner; Kappa Delta Pi; Petit jean staff; PEMM Club; SNEA. Terry Harmon/Merriam, KS. Physical Education. Tri-Sigma Delta, v. president, historian; lVIay Campaigns; Intramurals, All-Star, jacket winner; Softball; PEMM Club; Resident Assistant; SA junior women's representative, SA Physical Plant, Student Activities Committee Chairman; Who's Who. ~CQueline Lynne Harris/Faribault, MN. Nursing. Alpha Chi; Campaigns, Spring Break; JOY; Sigma Theta Tau; Who's Who. Philip EdwOlrd Harris/Elizabeth City, NC. Biology. TNT; Intramurals. SCot Gerald Harris/North Las Vegas, NV. Biblical Languages and Psychology. AGO; Campaigns, Northeast, Chicago; Chi lambda Chi beau; College Bowl; Dramatics; Intramurals, All· Star; PSI Chi; Resident Assistant; Timothy Club. Kenlan leone Hart/Morrilton, AR. Public Administration. Knights; American Studies; junior Class seoetary; Kappa Delta Kappa beau; Society for the Advanc::ement of IVIanagement. Sonja Hawks/Bolivar, MO. Economics. Stephan Thomas Haynes/little Hocking. OH. Business Systems Analysis. Chi Sigma Alpha, president, secretary; Alpha Chi; American Studies; Data Processing IVIanagement Association, v. president, secretary; Delta Mu Delta; Economics Team, Intramurals; KHCA staff; Whds Who; Dean's Ust. Barbara W. Haynie/Searcy. AR . Elementary Educat ion Frank HilZeiman/lucasville, OH. Bible. Transfer from Ohio Valley College. Timothy Club. Michael Joseph Heasley/Shaker Heights, OH. Biblical Languages. Transfer from Florida College. Terna Lynn Heaton/Kno~ville, TN. Nursing. Theta Psi, secretary. Sarah ~ne Hefley/Little Rock, AR. Elementary Education. Ko jo Kai, v. president, secretary; Kappa Delta PI. Mark D. Heiml/Waco, TX. General $cienc::e. King's Men; Band, IVIarching; College Bowl; Intramurals; Spanish Club; Pre-Dental Club. jennifer Lynn Henderson/Piggott, AR. Special Education. Ka Re Ta, treasurer; Alpha Chi; Kappa Delta PI. Julia Diane Henderson/Mountain Home, AR. Nursing. Omega Phi; JOY; Student Nurses' Association. PriscilLl Lorena Henderson/Marabella, Trinidad, West Indies. Speech Therapy. Kirei Na Ai, president, historian; May Campaigns; Chorale; f renc::h Club; JOY; Kappa Delta Pi; May queen attendant; Student Speech and Hearing Association; who's Who; World Evangelism Forum. John Russel Hendricks/Shreveport, LA. Marketing. Sub-T 16; Intramurals; Golf, AII·AIC, All· NAtA District 17; Society for the Advancement of Management. Kelly Eversole Henry/Clearwater, Flo Elementary Education. Chorale; Kappa Delta Pi, secretary; ReSident Assistant. Kenneth HenrylWilliamsburg. VA. Ps)'<hology. Stephanie Leah Henry/Sunnyvale, CA. Elementary Education and Kindergarten. Theta Psi, secretary; JOY; SNEA. Keith Randall Hensarling/Ft. Worth, lX. Economics. TNT, treasurer; American Studies; Bar· risters; Intramurals, AII·Star, jacket winner; Phi Beta Lambda; Society for the Advancement of Management; Young Republicans. Tamara Lyl'ln Hensley/Huntington, WV. Accounting. Ju Co ju, treasurer; Alpha Chi; American Studies; Delta Mu Delta; Pi Gamma Psi; Phi Beta Lambda. Phyl~5 Hickman/Columbus, MS. Accounting. Omega Phi, historian; Alpha Chi; American Studies; Delta Mu Delta; Pi Gamma Psi; Society for the Advancement of Management; Who's Who. Dnid HillJNashville, TN. Accounting. Thomas DeWayne HillJPalestine, lX, Accounting. ACO; American Studies; Data Processing Management AsSOCiation; Intramurals; PI Gamma PSI; Phi Beta Lambda; Society for the Advancement of Management; Timothy Club. Brenda Carol Hobbs/Arkadelphia, AR. Speech Therapy. CATA, v. president; Alpha Chi; May Campaigns; Alpha Tau Epsilon queen; Kappa Delta Pi; Student Speech and Hearing Association, president; Who's Who. Karen Renee Hodnett/Plantation, FL. Elementary Education. Ju Co ju, historian; JOY; SNEA. Julie Dianne Holcomb/jackson, MS. Business Systems Analysis. Kirei Na Ai; Alpha Chi; European Campaigns; Data Processing Management Association; University Singers; Society for the Advancement of IVIanagement; Delta Mu Delta. Brad Creten Holloway/Pine Bluff, AR. Social Work. A lpha Tau Epsilon; Kappa, Delta Kappa heau; Intramurals, All-Star, Jacket winner; Baseball; National Association of Christians in Social Work, president. 220/Se niors Seniors