1982-1983 Yearbook

Kelley }.Ine EuntiFlora, Il. Ma,keting. Ka ie Ta; Ameriun Studies; Resident Assistant . MIlt haM/Greenway, AR. /'.t\arketing. Chi Sigma Alpha; A Cappella; Belles and Beaux; Cheerleader; Regina beau; HI)( line staff; KHCA staff; Phi Beta lambda; Society for the Advancement of Management; Spring Sing Host; University Singers. Lewis F;airil.ufldn, TX. Management. Sherrill c.e FamstromlSan Roman, CA. English. Alpha Chi; Campaigns Veneruelan; JOY; KaJ)" pa Delta Pi; Simga Tau Delta; Spanish Club; SNEA. Mlrty FdlsIPiggon. All.. Physical MutatIOn. Kelly Lynn ~rreIIiRolla, MO. Elementary Education: Shantih, historian; Galaxy queen. louIS Don Fer~nIJudsonia. All:. Computer Applications . KoinOnia; Alpha Chi; Dean's list. Terry S. rlekk/Tavares, Flo Business Systems Analysis. Buccaneers, v. president; Data Process· ing Management Association; Football. Mlrp",1 Dorothy Finch/San jose, CA. Biblical languages. Chi Alpha Rho; Alpha Chi; Conquerors; Oramatics; JOY; Pre-Med Club; Resident Auistant; Timothy Club. VictOrM fiorito/Brunswick. ME. Nursing. Rob<ert MlrIr. fitzjermtlN . little Rock, AR. Marketing. Kappa Sigma Kappa. DflH"ah Lea n..... ,.,,1Ou6ois, PA. Biblical Languages. Campaigns, Spring Break; Conquerors; )OY; Timothy Club; World Evangelism Forum; Dean's list. Gareth ~an n. .... ,."IOuBois, PA. Biblical Languages; Alpha Gamma Omega; Alpha Chi; Campaigns, Northeast, Chicago, Trinidad, Philippines; Conquerors; Intramurals; Timothy Club; World Evangelism Forum, v. president. Don.... Rutt! f1etcher/Menlo, GA. Nursing. Intramurals; JOV. Mones. Lee Retcher/Hanson, KV . Art. Ka Re Ta; Alpha Chi : Art Guild; Kappa Pi; Petit Jean staff. Milk Fonville/Colleyville, TX. Advertising. Randalllwn Ford/Annandale, VA. Biology. Koinonia. v. president, treasurer: Band. Concert. Marching. Stage; May Campaigns; Oata Processing Management Association; Pre-Med Cl ub; Orchestra. Brenda Dawn Foster/Searcy. AR. Social Work..Alpha Alpha Alpha; Alpha Delta Mu; Hot Line staH; Natlor'lal AsSOCiation of Ch ri stians In Soctal Work. Joel Edward Foster/Searcy, AR. Public Administration. Alpha Epsiloo Chi. president. treasurer; Alpha Chi; Barristers; Alpha Alpha Alpha beau; Pi Sigma Alpha. Kenneth H. Fowler/Sou thaven. MS . Accounting. TNT; American Studies; Zeta Rho beau; Pi Gamma Psi; Society for the Advancement of Management; SA treasurer; Who's Who; Yoong Republicans . Ku I . FowlerlWest Plains, MO. Mlnagement. Galaxy, secretary; May Campaigns; Ju Go Ju beau; Tennis, AIl-NAiA Distrkt 17; Society fOf the Advancement of Management; Dean's list; NAJA Scholar·Athlete . lret frantllDall.ls, TX. Business Education. Allen Wayne frazierlBeaver Dam, WI .Mal\ilgemenl. King's Men. A Cappella; Chorale; Society lor the Advancement of Mal\ilgement; Dean's list; Troubadoors. SMron l eCh Freem.l.nlfainax, VA. Speech Pathology. Chi Lambda Chi; Campaigns, Chicago, May, Australia. Missouri; Alpha Gamma 0meg.I queen; Conquerors; Petit )ean queen attendant; Student Speech and Hearing Association. John lteil:h french/Swartz Creek, MI. Management. Alpha Tau; A Cappella; Band, Concert, Marching. Pep: Intramurals. Seniors Practical in Her Career, Spectacular on the Field "Everyone needs to have something in their life that they can feel they are really good at, and softball has been that something for me." - Cindy Nichols Home economics majors and women softball players rarely come in the same package, but senior Cindy Nichols has proven to be an exception in both cases. She was voted Most Valuable Player of the People's Choice Tournament, 1982 and was the 1982-83 Ameri - can Home Economics Association student section chairman. Ci ndy h as been a leader in two fields usually considered incompatible. Cindy's father started her off in her softball career as a child in the Peewee leagues and she sa id she 218/Sen iors has played every year since. . Though sports have played a major role in Cindy's li fe she believes that her career in home economics will be a major influence also. "Home economics is a preventative major. It aims at getting things right at the start, not fixing them after they are already muffed up," she said. Cindy hopes to go to graduate school and she is planning a career in vocational home economics. She is worried that the economic crunch will effect the role of home economics teachers . " I am really afraid that home economics departments will be the first to go when the budget cutting starts. I really don't think people realize tb.at many people who aren't going to college wi ll learn all of their home budgeting and family planning in high school classes." Cindy has encountered a lot of problems trying to incorporate her sports life and her major while here at Harding. She was unable to play her last semester here because of student teaching. "I've given two years wi th lots of practice and I would like to feel that it has been worth something, that the problems I and the other gi rls on the team have overcome have furthered women's sports here at Harding.". One of the biggest influences on Cindy's life since she has come to Harding has been embodied in Dean Ted Altman, coach of the lady 8isons. "He has gone beyond the role of coach and has really supported me in every aspect of my life. It is nice to know that there is someone out there to help support you and help you put things in a Christian perspective. He always says, 'Cindy, you've got to be God's woman first, before anything else.' I try to remember that."~ - Jane Gore Both for herself and her future students, Cindy Nichols learns home budgeting and family planning. Here she assists in a foods lab as part of her training.