1982-1983 Yearbook

Seniors Rober!: L lrookerlPlantation, FL Accounting. Sub-l 16: lrrtramurals, An·Star: Pi Gamma PJi; Society for the Advancement of Management. Svwon Renee ltOUgtItoniDanas, TX. PtJblic AdminiSlratioo. Chi Alpha Rho: Alpha Chi; Bar· risters; Dactylology dub; Resident AsJistant; Society for the Advancement of Management; Pi Sigma Alpha. AnM ~rie Inlwn/CosOOcton, OH, Social Science. Transfer from Ohio Valley College. Alpha Chi; American Studies; JOY: Kappa Delta Pi; Phi Alpha Theta; SNEA; Young Republicans; Dean's list. ~lIr~ L lrown/Bridgeport, OH', English and journalism. Omega Phi; Band, Concert, Marching; Bison staff, editor, assistant editor, reporter, columnist; French Gub; Petit Je~n staff: Sigma Tau Delta; Society for Collegiate journalists, president; Who's Who. Robert Neil Inlwn/N. Haven, CT. Mathematics. American Studies; Society for the Advancement of Management Vivi.ln Bnlwn/Searcy, AR. Special Education, Elizilbeth Joan Irowninltltillie Rock, AR. Business Systems Analysis. Ko jo Kai, treasurer; American Studies; Band, Marching; Data ProcesSing !v\anagement Association; Delta Mu Delta, Suw.n BryilniBoise, 10. Kindergarten Education. Transfer from Boise State University. Phi Delta; !v\ay Fete royalty; Dean's Ust. leslie A. BuchiiniiniEI Dorado, AR. Elementary Education. Zeta Rho, treasurer; Campaigns, Iowa; Titans queen; JOY; SNEA. Leslie Joseph Buckland/Kingston, Jamaica. Bible. Campaigs, International, Northeast, Spring Break; Timothy Club; World Evangelism Forum. Given a Chance, They Shine "You can do it. All you need is a chance." These words have been said over and again to the mentally retarded and disabled children. The Special Olympics gave them that chance. The Special Olympics, an annual feature of the spring semester, sponsored several sporting events: track and field, bowl ing, soccer, swimming, gymnastics, and run, shoot and dribble. The emphasis was placed on trying, not winning. The program was designed so that everyone received a ribbon. First, second, and third place ribbons were given, and all others received participant ribbons; nobody left without one. Everyone was a winner, What would any special event be without volunteers? University students were willing to volunteer for many jobs. Many students helped train the Special Olympians to run the dash or to swim. Others helped organize the event or encouraged area high schoo l students to part icipate. There were also those that acted as clowns, starters, and timers. Phil Watkins, director of the track and field meet, said, "Vol unteers make the meet successful." Commenting about the students who worked he added, "They are the type of peop le interested in helping, so this gives them a chance to help." Watkins went on to say, "My goal when I started as director about three years ago was to have one volunteer per participant. I now have more volunteers than participants." Harding students comprised about 400 of the nearly 600 vo lunteers; all others came from area high schools and civic clubs. Watkins didn't hesitate to Mid'Iii~ lynn Burlo:.ettlSearcy, AR. Social Science. Titans; Intramurals. IlI.Ady ~ff\l5IBeebe, AR. journalism. IlI.ncfy aunrilmiWindermere, FL Biology. Buccaneers; Football, AlI·AIC Honorable Mention, AIl-NAiA Honorable Mention, COSIOA District f>-Academic AII·American Football Team, Tri· Captain '62, Outstanding linebacker ·B1 , NAIA Oefenseive Player of the Week; Pre-Dental Club. Robert Eddie CiigIeIIv\cComb, MS. Management. Sheia. Di«ne Ciiik'lleachville, Alt. Art. Kappa Delta Kappa, secretaI)'; Art GYild; Kappa Pi; University Singers . Unck D.lmell Calvert/Missouri City, TX. Nursing. Beta Tau Gamma, secretary, treasurer; Alpha Chi; JOY; UniverJity Singets; Who's Who; Student Nurses' Association, president, treasurer; Dean's Ust. Peter P~ul umpiSearcy, AR. !v\anagement. Frater Sodalis, president, v. president, treasurer; ReSident Assistant; Society for the Advancement of Management. Dilniel Keithley Campbell/SearCY, AR. Hlstol)'. Galaxy. ACappella; Alpha Chi; Barristers; Bison staff, reporter, columnist; Dramatics; Intramurals, AII·Star; Bowling, AII·AIC: Phi Alpha Theta; PI Gamma Psi; .Resident Assistant; Spanish Club; SA Class Representative, junior,; Who's Who; Young Republicans. ~ur~ Ann umpbell/Fort Smith, AR. Computer Science. Kirei Na Ai; American Studies; Data Processing Management Association; Resident Assistant; Society for the Advancement of Management. bymon Byron C.riock, JrJBlytheville, AR. Accounting. TNT, ACappella; Alpha Chi; American Studies; Big Buddies; Campaigns, !v\ay, Sprin~ Break, International; junior dass treasurer' Delta Mu Delta; For,ensks; EconomiCS Team; Phi Beta Lambda; Readers' Theater; WhO's' Who; Young Republicans. 214/Seniors mention that no one in the state came close to matching the .number of volunteers. "I n the meet last April," he said, "we had enough volunteers to cover al11 5 meets." The hugs and the cheers of the volunteers and the crowd in the stadium gave the children their biggest thrill. The vo lunteers and the Special Olympics combined _ Christopher Thompson to give the mentally retarded and the disabled a chance. The achievement of the ch ildren proved they could do it. Everyone was a winner. "'<C: - Leon Johnson While waving victoriously, one of the Special Olympians flashes a winning smile as she receives her ribbon.