Seniors The Sky Is Not the Limit for High-Flying Seniors The fall of 1982 was the beginning of the end of a 16 year phase of flight in the lives of Harding seniors. The soon-to-begraduated scholars tackled the advanced courses, wrote research papers, and sat through the general education classes some had put off until the last possible semester. For some, May graduation loomed far enough ahead that thoughts of success in their current classes rema ined foremost. For others, " real life" awaited just outside Harding' Sdoors, and they were eager to greet it. Many seniors felt that they had been sheltered from reality in Searcy because of the concentration of Christian men and women and because of the strictlyenforced rules. Julie Holcomb, a business systems analysis major from Jackson, Miss., saw a positive aspect to this. She said, "I believe I am prepared to face the world, because I know I have a firm foundation to stand on. Harding has helped me form this foundation of standards, and even though some may call it ' sheltered, ' I call it an opportunity to grow strong! " Four years of fl ight had readied the college veterans for a lifetime of understanding and growing. This thought was voiced by elementary education major Dc;>ug Thornton of Malden, Mo., J~ K. Ailron/Sea rcy. AR. Speech. TNT; Ame ri can CoUege Theate r .Festival; Campus Pl ayers; Chorale; Ko jo Kai beau; Dramatics; Speech Arts; Readers' Theater; Unive rsi ty Si ngers; Who' s Who; ACTF-Outstanding Actor Award . Laura Rulh Adams/Bowling Gre en. KY. ChemistI)' . Tim Aleunder/DaUas, TX. Music Education Phillip Allen/J e ffersonville, IN. Socia l Science and Public Admini stra tion . Kappa Sisma; Band; Barristers; Zeta Ph i Ze ta beau; SwimminS; YounS Republi cans . Steve Allen/Coo lvil le. OH . Manasement. Theta Tau; Baseball, Football, and Cross Country; Soc iety fo r the Advancement of Managemen t. Ro""ld Wayne Alilft.ln. JrJ Summervilie. SC. Business Systems Analysis. Lambda Siama , presiden!; American StudiM; Data PrOCMsinK Managemen t Association; lntramurals. All-Star; Pi Camma Psi; Soc iety for the Advancemen t of ManaKement; Voung Republicans. Oa"" ArnoldJO ' Fallon. MS. Nu rsina_Delta Chi Omega Stephen Dean Ashcraft/Crossett, AR. Physical Education. Titans; Intramurals; Baseball , All-Ale. AII ·NAtA. Home r Doy le 'ailey/Batesvi lle. AR. Marketing linda Jnn Bainton/North Attleboro. MA. Elemental)' Education. Beta Ta.u Camm.a; Alpha Gamma Omega queen; Commonwealth Singers; Conquerors; JOV; Resident ASSIStant; University Si ngers Mattha kay Baird/Bartlesvi ll e. OK. Marketing. Zeta Rho; Theta Tau queen; JOV; Phi Beta Lambda . James Robert Baker/Bozema n, MO. Elementary Education. Chi Sigma Alpha; A Cappell a; Intra mura ls. All-Star; World Evangelism Forum Juli Ruth Baker/Arli ngton . TX. Nursi ng. Ka Re Ta; SA Class Representative. sophomo re, junior. senio r Sun Anna Baker/Sea rcy. AR. Computer Science Pamela Morgan Banis/Vil onia. AR. Elementary Education Kappa Phi ; lambda Sigma queen; Intramu ral s, AII ·Star: PEMM Club . leiu. lorraine Barker/Pratt. KY. Office Administrat ion. Regina. preside nt. sec re taI)': A Cappella ; May Campa igns; Del ta Mu Delta; Phi Beta lambda; Res ident As sistant. . Deborah Ann Barnes/heter. MO. Nurs ing. Chi la mbda Chi; NursinK Honor Soc rety; Sigma Theta Tau. . . Terry Lynn Barnet/Spr ingfield, MO. Management. Transf er from Sout hwest MIssourI State Un iversity. Soc iety for the Advancement of Management. kathryn Kaye Barnick/Tren ton, OH. Mat hema t ics . Chi Alph.J Rho, treasure r. v. president . pres ident; Kappa Delta Pi; SNEA. Daniel Joseph Barrlnaton/New Haven. IN. Special Education. Alpha Gamma Ome ga ; Dactylotogy Club; Kappa Delta Pi; SNEA; University SinKers . lori Jane B'Ufon/Beliflower. CA. English Daryl Wayne. 'ales/Portsmou th. VA. Biblical Languages . Knights, v. president; Cam· paigns - Braz.l : Cautie r, MS; Cedar Falls, IA; T.mothy Club. . . Jeffrey Allan BilUahn/Co lumbu$, OH. Management; Transfer from Alabama Chlf stlan College. ChI Sigma Alpha; Alpha Ch.; Amencan Studies; Phi Delta beau; Delta Mu Delta; Intra mural s. All-Sta r; Pi Gamma Psi : Society for the Advancement of Management. lanel Carol Bean/Oxnard, CA. SOCial Work . Tr; Sigma Delta; Chorale; Theta Tau queen: Hot line Staff; In tramu ra ls. All -Sta r; JOY; National Association of Chrisl1ans in SOC ia l Work . Beverly loui se Bearden/ Benton. AR. Elementary Educa tion . Kappa Delta Kappa, v. president, treasurer; Big Sis ters; May Campai gns; lOY; Kappa Delta Pi; SNE A; Dean' s Li st. 212/5en iors who said, " Some of my instructors have stressed to me that no matter what field I'm in, I am a minister. I learned to look at my life as a ministry." The world was at Harding, too. How well prepared for it a senior was depended on how well he had used his wings . Marneda Wade from Albany, Ga., majored in journalism. Commenting on the preparation she received ' to help her in the world, she said, ' 'I'll be faced with ethical and unethical situations and I want to find the ethical way out of them. Harding has enabled me to see the way I should handle the problems I'll encounter as a journalist. I want to meet them from a Christian background." These thoughts reflected the process that was Harding. From the time they arrived as freshmen or transfer students, the seniors were a part of this process. From the start, they began developing wings . Later they learned how to use them effectively to take off. The upward climb was not always a steady one, but the seniors had cultivated their talents well. . They finally were " FLYING HIGH on wings of understanding."~ - Mariann Cox and Michael Corrigan Senior class officers. Paul Starks, president; Kent Hart, treas.; Jennifer Schmidt, sec.; Greg Rector, v. pres.