1982-1983 Yearbook

Department of Home Economics Regrouping Within Dr . Eva M. T hompso n , associate professor of home economi cs, who had jo ined t he faculty of the Home Economi cs Department in t he f all of 1970 when she took a leave of absence from Abilene Chri stian Uni ve rsity to come home to take ca re of her elderl y parents, ret ired at the end of the 1982 spring semes ter. Dr. Thompson's fathers had se rved many yea rs on the Board of Trustees at Harding Un iversity and as an elder in the Co ll ege church of Chri st. Replac ing Dr. Thompson was Mrs. Loleta Hi gginbotham, wife of Ed Higginbotham, who was superintendent of Harding Academy. M rs. Sharen Crockett, assoc i ate professor of h ome economi cs, who had just completed her dut ies as pres ident of the Arkansas Home Economics Associat ion, took a maternity leave of absence du ring the fa ll semester. Mrs. Lynn Engl and, who normall y teaches one class per semester, taught full time in the fall. Because of increased interest in text il e merchandi sing, the department res tudi ed the requirements f or a major in this 1. Shakespeare is studied as a model linguist in Roger Brewer's class. 2, Knowledge of geographical loca tions, as Dr. Fred Jewell impresses on his studen ts, is important in the study of field and restructured t he requiremen ts for a textil e merchandising major to give it more vocational strength. The de partme nt condu cted a consumer f air in November and April. The department a lso hosted the leade rshi p workshop of t he student-member sect ion of the Arkansas Home _ ChriSlopher Thompson Econom ics Assoc iation. All members of the department and several students attended the annual meeting of the Arkansas Home Economi cs Association in little Rock. Mrs. Beth Wilson served as sponsor of the state student assoc iation of AHEA. Lori Deacon served as president and Cindy Nichol s as pres ident-e lect, continuing the strong leadership rol es of Harding students in' the state organi zation. Dr. M ildred Bell , chairman of the department, accompanied by Miss Deacon and Miss Nichol s, attended the an nual meeting of the Ameri can Home Economics Associat ion in Ci nci nnati. M rs. Crockett and seve ral of her studen ts attended the convention of the Arkansas Associ at ion of Children Under Six in li tt le (Continued on page 186) history. 3, Patience and skilf, as Michelle Means and others discover, is a necessary quality in mastering stitcher y skills. Home Economics Mildred Bell, PhD Prot., Cha irman Sharen Crockett, MS Assoc. Prof. lynn England, MS Asst. Prof . loleta Higginbotham, MAT Instr. Elaine Thomp'son, MA Asst. Prof . Elizabeth Wilson, MA Assoc . Prof . Journalism Michael James, BA ASSQc . Instr. Dennis Organ, PhD Assoc. Prof . Heber Taylor, PhD Prof ., Cha irman Betty Ulrey, MEd Asst. Prof . Home Economicsl185