1982-1983 Yearbook

ty . Jack McKinney took a year's leave of absence to study class ical Greek at the Uni versity of At hens and Tom Alexander began a two-year leave of absence to work on the Ph.D. degree in New Tes tament at Emory Un iversity . Richard King, James Wal ters, and Will Ed Warren did add it ional graduation study at the Harding Graduate Sc hoo l in Memphis w hile teach ing fu ll loads. Dr. Don Shackelford received one of the three Distinguished Teac her Awa rds presented at the 1982 May commencement. He was the fourth Bibl e teacher to receive t his award which Dr. Jimmy Allen. Jack McKinney, and Dr. Neale Pryor had received prev iously . Conard Hays went on semiret irement for 1982-83 but he still taught one class each semester and assisted in t he counse ling of junior and senior Bible majors. Dr. Shacke lford, assisted by Dr. Tom Howard , associate professo r of political science, directed the fall semester of the Harding University in Florence, Ita ly. program. Dr. Mitchell, assisted by Dr. and Mrs. Evan Ulrey of the speech and English departments, respective l y, directed the spring semester HUF 1. Visual presentations are effective for Dr. Michael Plummer in tea ching his students. 2. Practice, as Brian Miller program. Dr. Jerry Jones, chairman o f the Bible Department, and Dr. Jimmy A ll en debated James Bjornst ad of Phil ade lphi a and David Kingdon of Grea t Britain on the subject " Is Salvation Dependent Upon Baptism?" on fou r 30-minute presentations o f the John Ankerberg television show. During t he year, Dr. Jones preached at more than 40 churches and/or workshops. Dr. A ll en was the keynote speaker for lectures hips at Abilene Chri s- - Alan Creenhaw t ian Un iversity and Oklahoma Chri stian Co llege and for a number of other work shops, seminars, and lectu res hips. He conducted many revivals w ith several hundred responses . Dr. M itche ll published a tract on " Vocational Evangelism ," presented the Dr. W. 8. West lectures at the Harding Graduate Sc hool , and spoke at the Pepperdine Lectu res and the Pa n Ame rican Lec tureship in Co lumb ia, South Ame ri ca. In May, a five-day sem inar was conducted fo r those interes ted in youth ministry. In June, a fourday workshop on expository preaching was conducted w ith 35 preachers from 14 sta tes in attend ance. The biennial 13- in-1 (Continued on page 182) realizes, is essential/or learning Biblical languages such as Greek. Bible, Religion and Philosophy James Allen, MRE, HhD Prof., Bible Eddie Cloer, MTh Asst Prof ., Bible Tom Eddins, MTh Asst. Prof ., Bible Conard Hays, MA, BO Prof., Bible Robert Helsten, MA Prof., Bible Allan 150m, EdO Prof., Bible Jerry Jones, ThO Prof ., Preaching, Chairman Joe Jones, MA Asst. Prof ., Bible Richard King. MAR Instr., Bible Bill lambert, MA Asst. Prof., Bibl e Avon Malone, MA Assoc. ProL , Bible Duane McCampbell, PhD Assoc. Prof., Philosophy Carl Mitchell, PhD Prof ., Bible L. V. Pfeifer, MTh Assoc. Prof., Bible Paul Pollard, PhD Asst. Prof ., Bibl e and Hebrew Neale Pryor, ThD Prof., Bible and C reek Ed Sanders, MA Assoc. Prof., Bible . Jack Wood Sears. PhD Prof., Bible Don Sh.ackelford, ThO Prof ., Missions Van Tate, PhD Assoc. Prof ., Bible Cillilyn VillnRheenen, MA Visiting Prof., Missions James Walters. MA Instr., Bible and Creek Will Ed Warren, MAR Asst. Prof., Bible Bible/181