1982-1983 Yearbook

it has been in the past. Quality education cannot be affixed with a monetary price tag. I truly believe that education at Harding is 'quality education: " Dr . Harry D. Olree As a member of an ad hoc study committee appointed by the president of the Arkansas Intercollegiate Conference, Dr. Harry D. Olree, director of athletics, spent many hours working on plans to incor porate women's intercollegiate athletics into the Ale in the fall of 1983. He was the immed iate past chairman of District 17 of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics. He continues to serve as one of two _ Darrell L. Truitt NAIA representatives on the Board of Directors of the National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment. Administering the interco llegiate athletic program, the intramural athletic program, the physical education department, and the new physical education/athletic complex were heavy responsibilites. He did find time, however, to teach two classes each semeste r, to serve on several important committees, and to be involved in some research on physical fitness leve ls. He served as an elder of the College church of Christ and chaired the important committee on youth services. Commenting on his work, Dr. Olree stated, "We desire to provide a varied intramural and intercollegiate athletic program at Harding so that every student may participate in competitive athletics regardless of his skill leve l. The intramural program is on a voluntary basis and is open to every student with a high percentage of the men and women participating in this program. "Over the last 11 years, from September, 1971 through DecemBoard of Trustees ber, 1982, Harding has won 30 AIC championships, with Ouachita Baptist University in second place with 18, Henderson 1. Virgil Beckett, registrar. 2. Winnie Bell, library director. 3. Dr. Wyatt Jones, director of graduate studies. 4. Shaping the Future At the May 7 meeting of the Board of Trustees, considerable time was given to analyzing and discussing the list of recommendations that had been obtained from members of the President's Development Council for strengthening the program at Harding. The major weakness that had been mentioned was that of insufficient endowment. For this reason, the Board gave major attention to the "Endowing a Destiny" campaign. For the first time in the history of Harding, the Board approved a twopronged campaign - one for current gifts and the other for deferred giving. At the November 5 semiannual meeting, reports were given on the progress that had been made on the $9 million current-giving campaign and the $25-40 million deferred-giving campaign. Chairman Richard H. Gibson and vice chairman James H . Cone had each been involved in soliciting fellow Board members. Cone stated that the solicitation of Board members had just begun, but he reported that $1,100,000 in current giving and $9.6 million in deferred giving had been pledged by only four Board members. As a result of a $1.000.000 challenge grant pledged jointly by one Board member and one Development Council member to match with $1 every $2 pledged by alumni during 1983-87, President Ganus reported at the November 5 meeting that a three-week phonothon among alumni had gone above $2.1 million, thus obtaining the challenge grant. Board members evidenced very strong interest in maintaining strong spiritual emphasis, a high level of academic excellence, and a genuine studentcentered emphasis. As a result of a meeting of several Board members with the Student Association officers and Executive Committee, the chairman of the Board authorized a study of the question of intercollegiate athletics for women at Harding. Attention was also State University in third with 17, and Hendrix in fourth place with 16.""'<: Durward McGaha, director of admissions. 5. Dr. Harry D. Olree, director of athletics. given to developing a plan for choosing a successor to the president of Harding when such action needed to be implemented either because of retirement or other exigenaies. The Board approved a budget of $20.746.614 for 19·82-83. Dr. Russell Burcham, a dentist in Kennett, Mo., was elected to a six-year term on the Board at the May 7 meeting. At the November 5 meeting, six members whose terms weTe expiring were reelected. The four incumbent of- - Darrell L. Truitt ficers were also re-elected . Dr. Richard Burt, a past chairman of the Board, requested that he not be re-elected at this time for personal reasons, but expressed his genuine interest in continued support of Harding. ~ Board of Trustees. Front row: Dan Russell, Louis Green, Dallas Harris, John D. Baldwin, James Cone. Second row: Don Shores, Harold Cogburn, Jack Goode, Russell Burcham, W. C. Hatfield, Clifton L. Ganus, Jr., Richard Gibson, David Paul Burton. Back row: James Ellers, Roy Sawyer, Jim Bill Mclnteer, Houston Ezell, Olen Hendrix, Flanoy Alexander. Administrative Directors/177