1982-1983 Yearbook

was to provide young peopl e with a Chri stian education. A Chri stian education is the bes t educat ion available because it is Chri st in education. My hope for every Hardi ng student is that he or she wi ll be closer to and more like Jesus when they leave campus than when they came. Those of us in the Development Office consider our work at Harding a Chri sti an mini stry. The best people I knowandthe deares t friends I have are among those I work with on and off campus. I thank God fo r ou r supporters off campus. Most of them consider thei r gifts to Harding an investment. They inves t by fa i th rea li z ing that on ly in eternity will we tru ly know the great good that t hei r investment has done." Dr. Joseph E. Pryor Dr. Joseph E. Pryor, vice president for academic affairs and dea n of the Co llege of Arts and Sc iences, served his 23rd year as chi ef academic admini strator and compl eted his 40th year on t he faculty. He made plans to retire from academic administration at the c lose of the 1983 summer sess ion in keeping w ith the long poli cy of the University for reti rement at age 65. At the Homecoming meeting of the TNT socia l club on November 6, he was surpri sed with a retiremen t gift from current and alumni members. Pryor was the first member indu cted into TNT in Searcy after the move of Harding f rom Morrilton and he had served 39 years as sponsor. At the 1982 annual meeting of the National Assoc iation of Intercollegiate Athl etics in Kansas City, he spoke on " The Ro le of the Facu lty Ath letic Representat ive in the Arkansas Intercollegiate Athletic Conference." He also spoke at the 1982 meeting of the Chri sti an Coll ege Deans at _ Courtesy of Publicit y Office Michigan Chr isitan Co llege in September and the Arkansas Deans Associat ion meeting in Wa lnut Ridge on October 4. The Christian Co llege Deans presented him a plaque as " Dea n of Deans" because of the counsel and ass istance he had given them over the years. He served as national sec retary-treasurer of Al pha Chi for the 13th year and helped di rec t the 1983 national convention in San Antonio in April. He installed chapters during the yea r in Illinois, Minnesota, and Vermont. He attended the annual meeting of the Association of College Honor Societies in Knoxv ill e, Tenn ., as the Alpha Chi representative. In March, he attended the annual mee ting of the North Central Association . Pryor rev ised the Faculty Handbook and edited the Col· lege Catalog and Academic Advisors Manual in addition to preparing the class sc hedul es and chairing several committees. He adv ised the Petit Jean for t he 39th year and superv ised the 1982 yea rbook contes t for the Ark ansas College Publications Assoc iation. He also served as AIC Faculty Representat ive for the 25th year. He spent much time advising students on academic and personal problems and maintained an open door policy for students and faculty. He continued to teach two large sect ions of Physica l Sc ien ce 102 eac h semes ter. Lot! R. Tucker, Jr. lott R. Tucker, Jr., vice presF I dent f or f inance, compl eted 32 yea rs in f inancial administration at Harding, including 26 years as business manager. The financia l audit in Jul y revea led that he had dire c t ed Hardin g thr oug h another year " in the bl ack," the 46th consec utive year that this had been achieved . He undertook the awesome responsibility 1. Dr. Ted Altman, vice president for studen t affairs. 2. C. Floyd Daniel, vice president for development. 3. Dr. Jose ph E. Pryor,~ vice president for of admini st erin g t he $20.75 million budget for 1982·83. Since he became business manager in 1967, not a year has passed without a building either being under construction or on the drawing board and 1982-83 was no exception. The J. E. and L. E. Mabee Business Center was dedicated on October 4 and he began finali z ing plans for the construction of the addition to the science building. Purchasing material s and overseeing the construction of new buildings was one of his major responsibiliUes. Tucker relied heav il y on a ca pabl e, dedi ca ted staff of ass ist an t s who reported to him in such areas as student financi al aid, accounting, budget control , construct ion and maintenance, auxiliary enterpri ses, security, staff personnel , and cafeteri as. He attended the work shop sponsored by the Southern Assoc iation of Co llege and University _ Courtesy of PubliCity Olfice Business Officers and also the annual meeting of the Arkansas Assoc iaiton of College and University Business Officers. Tucker was a member of the Searcy Kiwani s Club, the Searcy (Continued' on page 174) academic affairs and dean of the 'College of Arts and Sciences. 4. loti R. Tucker, Jr., vice president fo r finance. Vice PreSlde ntsl173