1982-1983 Yearbook

Delta Hills Health System Agency . At the time this section went to press, he was one of the nominees for a position on the Board of Directors of the Searcy Chamber of Commerce. He served as an elder of the College church of Christ and made a specia l contribution to the spi ritu_al li fe of Harding Vice Presidents students through serv ing as chairman of the Campus Ministry _ Comm ittee. A personal hi gh light of the year for Dr. and Mrs. Carr was the birth of their first grandchild, a son born to thei r middle son, John, and his w ife in Tallahassee, Fla.~' Taking Care of Specifics Dr. Ted Altman During the summer of 1982, Dr. Ted M. Altman, vice presi-' dent for student affairs, chaired the comm ittee of students, faculty, and adm ini st rators that finalized plans for the new procedures to be fol lowed by social clubs during Pledge Week with the eliminat ion of "Rough Night." Eddie Campbe ll , dean of men, and Mrs. Pattie Barrett, who served last year as acting dean of women, gave primary assistance and Mrs. Barrett was appointed coordinator of soc ial club act ivities. Dr. Altman directed the orientation sessions for freshman and transfer students at t he two early or ientation sessions during the 172/Vice Presidents summer and at the beginning of both the fall and spring semesters . He maintained an open door policy to students and implemented effective communications in solving the problems that inevitab ly arose. He attempted - EddIe: tagte to serve as a " catalyst" to encourage students to develop into mature Chr istians who met their responsibilities in the sp irit of Christ. One of hi s major responsibilities during the year was enforcing the chapel attendance poli cy. He evaluated the excuses submitted for absences and dealt with students who had an excessive number of unexcused absences. Because of hi s interest in athletics and his desire to help promote intercollegiate sports for women, Altman coached the girls' softba ll team. Dr. Altman served as an elder in the Westside chu rch of Christ and as a member of the Board of Camp Wy ldewood. He was a member of the Searcy Chamber of Commerce. Commenting on hi s work at Harding, Dr. Altman said, " In my 20 years at Harding there has never been a year go by that I have not been blessed and made a better person by my association w ith the students. My work at Harding has made many opportunities for me to be Gbd's man and to enhance my ultimate goal of spending etern ity with the Father. Because of my love for sports, I have continued to serve as coach of the girl s' softball team . fl i strive daily to make Harding a student-or iented university. The uniqueness of Harding is still evident in the characteri stics of the fine student body this year. The conduct, moral value, morale, attitude, and sp iritual leve l of our student body is very strong. It would be impossib le for Hard ing to cont inue to maintain the high moral and spi ri tual standards if our students did not want to maintain these. The attitude of the student body is exce ll ent," he sa id. C. Floyd Daniel The year 1982-83 was an eventful year for C. Floyd Daniel, vice president for development. Early in the fa ll semester, he moved the Development Office into the American Heritage Center after major renovation of the Trophy Room had been made during the summer. He also witnessed the successful completion of the $2 million Phonothon among alumni. During the summer, Daniel had soli c ited a $1 mi lli on c hallenge pledge from two fam ili es, one a Board member and the other a President's Development Council member. The two families had agreed to give the $1 million between 1983 and 1987 if our alumni wou ld pledge $2 million over the same per iod. After 21 nights of calling on a phonothon, involving more than 100 facu lty and staff members and other Harding friends, beginning September 12, a tota l of $2,138,135 had been pledged with a lomst 9,000 ca ll s to alumn i. This was one of the most successful alumni phonothons in higher education. Daniel worked during 1982-83 to finalize plans for the largest fund-raising campaign in the 59-year history of Harding - an endowment campaign. He has - Courtesy of Publicity Ol/ice been mak ing plans for this campaign for over a year. In October, Daniel spoke on " The Futu re in Fundraising" to the 30th annual meeting of the Christian Childcare Conference, held this year in little Rock . He spoke in Shreveport, La ., on " The Stewards hip of Estate Planning." He assisted the Paragould Children's Home in development and raising funds. He spent as much time as possible w ith his fou r grandc hildren. Daniel commented, "Harding is a great work because of the cause that brought her into existence 59 years ago. That cause