1982-1983 Yearbook

ALL-STARS The Selected Few How do you measure success? "Success is counted sweetest by those who ne' er suc· ceed" is the most famous cup that is used to measure the difference between winning and losing. True, an unsuccessful person appreciates success somewhat more than one who is more accustomed to it. But no one ever grows weary of overcoming the opposition. Harding had its share of winners this year. They came from different parts of the nation, different countries of the world. They were of different races, walks of life, and cultures . They ranged in age from the mere freshman to the veteran professors who ring out knowBruce BJldwin Footba ll NAIA AII·Amerocan AII-NAIA Di stric t 17 All-Ale ReJ Fowl ... , Tenni~ NAtA-ITCA Scholar Ron Kohlbrillnd Football AII·NAIA Distnct 17 AII-AIC 162/AII-Stars AI Silltes Men 's Cross COt/nlry A II·Al( Mike Cillilowilly Baseball AII·NAIA District 17 AII-AIC Carte, lillmbert Track All-AIC ledge everyday. They were both male and female, graceful and intimidating. On these two pages are iust a few of the champions. Representing the atheltic area of compet ition, these individuals have exce ll ed in their respective sports in a way that honors and distinction have come thei r way. Most of these men and 'women were repeaters as All-Stars, which proves wrong to a point the line of poetry mentioned earlier. They were competitors , winne rs in their own mind and on the fie ld that they played upon . No doubt they we re w inners in other areas as well.~ Kyle 81ickenstillff football AII·NAIA Distflc! 17 AII'AIC CoSmA Academic NAIA A. O. Duer Award Chutes C",dne. Basketball AII-NAIA Di strict 17 AII·Al( Nigel Liverpool Tennis Ali-NAtA Distri c t 17 All-Al e .iIIndy Sutlrillm District (, A li-Amer ican AcademiC Stan Creen Basketball Brochure foo/ball Brochure foo/fN li Program NAtA AII-Amencan Ted Ll oyd Track CrOS5 Country Coach of the Year NAIA District 17 and AIC ,- OWillyne Allen Track AII ·AI C Durwood Dry f ootball AII·NAIA Distnct 17 AII'AIC Keith Herring Track NAtA AII'American (Indoor Track) AII-AIC Tony McCoy football Track All-NAIA District 17 AII·AIC Steve A,hc'i11lt Baseball AII-NAIA Distri c t 17 All-AIC Dnid (liiott Tennis Coach of thoe Year NAtA District 17 and AIC Rich kiIItc:hur Baseball Ali-NAtA District 17 AII'AtC Marty Ni~mire Baseball AII·AtC