1982-1983 Yearbook

- Darrell L Truitt majors and minors and fashion merchandising majors. Member Cindy Nic ho ls was of special significance to the Harding chapter during the 1982-83 school year when she served as t he state chairman for the student member section of the Arkansas chapter of the AHEA, Her responsibilities include trave ling to Cinc innati as a vot ing student delegate and speaking to e ight college chapters of the AHEA who vis ited the campus for the AHEA State leadership Workshop. Nichols said of her work, " The responsibilities have been tremendous, but I've enjoyed the job. I 've gotten to meet people who have used their home ec. degrees as springboards to other opportunities." The group's annual Consumer Fair took place in November. During the event, materials were di st ributed to inform students about grooming, food and nutrition, c lothing and text il es and family relations . Providing refreshments and helping with games, the organization assisted the Big Brothers when they gave a Chri stmas party for their boys at the College chu rch building. Meeting once each month, the group enjoyed many speakers such as those from the White County Extension Service. Several guests spoke to the group about job opportunities in home economics. The Ma rch program included a speaker on c rafts plus a pot-luck and recipe exc hange. ~ Academic groups/127