1982-1983 Yearbook

Student Teachers Gain Better Understanding of Field Education Assoc iati o n, the members of Harding's chapter were presented with a number of opportuni t ies to gain new insights into teac hing careers . Programs of the SNEA included a clinic about the National Teac her's Exam in at io n (NT E) which offered helpful hints about how to do well on the requ ired test. Classroom accidents and correction procedures were the top ics of a second cl in ic of the organization. Benef its of the SNEA were numerous, but perhaps the most notable was the million dollar liability insu rance policy which cove red members whil e they we re student teaching. Membership in the SNEA also offered status to those seeking employment in the Little Rock area. Pres ident Cynthia Ca rner com- . mented, "SN EA gets future teachers sta rted off on the ri ght f oot. I have become much more aware of what I am getting in to. " "<c Harding's Student Nurses' Association served to keep the student members aware of the political issues at both the state and national levels t hat affected the fields of nursing and med ici ne. The 40-member group had no strict requirements ·for membership. Only nursing majors were eligible, but no specific leve l of academic achievement or classification was required. Besides the usual projects - helping with the blood drives and the Kiwanis hypertension clinic - the SNA sponsored a special campaign: the Chama Ian mission project involved a Tanzanian c ity in need of medical aide. Members of the group co llected money and medical supplies from.students and faculty members "to send to the people of that town. On the li ghter side of things, the group found humor in its future profession and had a special "Come as a Disease" party for Halloween. Each member dressed up as his favorite and most decorative ailment. Most members of the SNA became active in the spring semester of their sop homore year or some time later after entering the nursing program. Senior nursing major and SNA president Ne ll Ca lvert w ished the trend had been different. " I think it is important for t he pre-nursing and nursing majors to take interest in our group as freshmen. They can represent us later at the i national leve l. " ~ Academic groups/125