1982-1983 Yearbook

Cyclists Create Renewed Interest The CenArk Student Grotto, more commonly referred to as the Spelunkers, was an organization affiliated with the National Speleological Society. The purpose of the club, according to president Dewayne Agin, was to give those interested in caving and exploring an opportunity to gain practical experience and to meet other people with the same interest. The 1982-83 Spelunkers averaged one caving trip every two weeks, going to such Arkansas caves as Cushman Blowing, Alexander, and Blowing Springs. Under the guidance of sponsor Carroll Smith, repelling techniques were taught to many club members in order to make exploring easier. Many vertical caves, according to Agin, required rapelling to reach. The club also mapped some caves and searched for new caves around the Mt. View area in Arkansas. Agin had this to say about cav· ing, "1(5 hard to describe the feeling of excitement and challenge before entering a cave and the sense of accomplishment when coming out of the cave."~ As the newest organization on campus, the Harding Bicycle Club whee led off to a racing sta rt to educate the commun ity about all the aspects of bicycl ing w ith 116fSpeciai in terest groups an emphasis on safey. The group cons idered new ways to present to local residents the alternative of using bicycles to commute, but the focus of the club was to provide opportuni· ties for cyclists to race and tour. The Bison Stampede Bicycle Race was a product of the club's efforts as was the addition of cycle rac ing to the Race Street Ramble. Speaking to the c lub was a member of the Arkansas Bicycle Club who rode his two-wheeler from little Rock to San Antonio in a marathon trip. Future plans for the newcomers included a marathon - Darrell L. rru iu