1982-1983 Yearbook

An October tour sc heduled the Chora le for four days of singing in area high sc hool s. They sang throughout Arkansas and at Ouachita Christian School inMonroe, La. At each sc hool the singers gave a clinic and sang not only their own music but also the music the high school choruses were preparing to sing for their A ll State competitions. Weekend programs included a visit to Newport, Ark., to sing for the church's homecoming, a concert for the local lions' Clu b banQuet, and a visit to a Little Rock congregation to help them celebrate their mortgage burning. Between all the programs the Chora le found the time to record a new album, under the direction of Cliff Ganus 111 , entitled " Concert Favorites." '<c.. Perhaps one of the most wide ly-known Harding musica l groups was the Belles and Beaux, directed by Dr. Cli ff Ganus III. The group, in existence for more than 20 years, traveled through several states, singing and entertaining and demonstrating the uniqueness of Harding. A l though their primary purpose was to entertain, the Belles and Beaux also did a great dea l of recruiting for Harding. " I think our best work is not on stage necessarily but in the homes we stay in as we travel ," said two yea r vete ran member Gary W il son. " We touch peop le more in this way because ou r host families see what we are rea lly like, and they see Chri stian attitudes in us." Be ll es and Beaux rehearsed often and traveled more than t hei r share. " Al though it' s a lot of hard work and ve ry fru strating at times, I real ly enjoy the group and would not want to leave," said Wilson. _ Courtesy of Pub/jcit y Office Three year member Robyn Ransom commented, " We've had many turnovers since I started with Belles and Beaux, but our work always affords us opportunities to grow c lose and enjoy being together."~ Harding's traveli ng trio, the Time of Day, began fresh this yea r with two new members. David Slater of Dallas and Wayne Bailey of Mena, Ark., joined forces with veteran member Kent Wells from Ashdown, Ark., to c reate a good Southern sound in keeping with the group's tradition. A ll three music ians displayed immense ta lent. Wells proved Quite "~b l e on Quitar, banjo, fiddle and bass while Bailey played the banjo, guitar, bass, fiddle and mandolin. Sl ater not only showed promise on gluitar, piano and bass, but he a lso had had experience arranging music and did so for the group. Working w ith the Adm iss ions Office and Chris Dell, the Time of Day traveled across the country and farther, singing and playing their brand of cou ntry, bluegrass and pop music to eager audiences at youth ra lli es, college night programs and school assemblies. A special long tour during spring break found the Time of Day in the park at Walt Disney World and in Disney' s new worldfamous EPCOT Center in Orlando, Fla. Between t ri ps and local shows, the trio managed to find time to record a new album entitled " Time s are Changi ng." ~ Music groups/109