1982-1983 Yearbook

Darrell Trui tt to produce quality photographs. Copy editor Ma riann Cox coordinated copy flow, as well as w riting and ed iting much of the copy herse lf . Suza nne Johnston, assistant editor and Life editor, brought featur ized coverage of the year to the forefront. Social Clubs, unde r the split ed itorship of Sherri Chapman and Johnnie Mi ll er, presented a personalized approach to the .hi ghly-read section. Las t yea r's huge Academics sec tion was separated into two smaller divisions t hi s year . Organizations, edited by Nancy Thompson, incl uded academ ic clubs, honor soc ieti es and st udent groups. Scholars ed itor Alan G ree nhaw covered the ad - ministration, facul ty and their departments, and staff . In sight into o u tsta nding athletes' li ves accented Sports, edited by David Walt. Students editor Michael Corrigan pictured the student body and enlivened picture panel s .w ith f eature articl es and ' candid photos. Almost unrecogni zable in appea rance from last yea r, Honors applauded ac hievers t hrough the skill of ed itor Michele Ellis. Michae l Kelly and company developed their own yearbook w ithin a yearbook, covering Searcy's Harding Academy. Index ed itor Jena Conrad indexed as t he year progressed el iminating the usual last week rush. John Radcliffe and Chris Gei served alternate semesters as photo editor. During t he busiest months, key staff members' li ves spi ll ed toget her in an unusual way, both in and out of the office. The cha llenge of the whole t hin g was tough, but the rewards: intangib le. Even the Petit Jean itself was the ve ry epitome of " FLVING HIGH on w ings of unders t anding."~ Petit Jean Sta ff/10S