1981-1982 Yearbook

Dr. Carr Sees Increase In Summer Enrollment "It's great to be at Harding" is the statement expressed frequently by Dr. James F. Carr Jr., Assistant to the President. This friendly, outgoing, educator, who took early retirement from the Florida Department of Higher Education in 1970 to join the Harding faculty because his sons had enjoyed their undergraduate study at Harding so much, served Hardding in many capacities during 1981·82. As executive director of the Associated Women for Harding, he helped develop the AWH Na· tional Council and organized two new chapters. More than $40,000 was raised through chapters and membership-atlarge. Through his efforts, the membership reached an alltime high. During the year, he visited ten chapters. As director of summer session, he worked hard to have an enrollment of 1,000 during the summer of 1981. A lthough this goal was not achieved, the enrollment did increase to 957 for an all-time high. Enrollment in the intersession immediately following May graduation rose to 501 in 1981 from 146 in 1977 when the first intersession was scheduled. The two early orientation sessions that were conducted for entering freshmen and transfer students during the summer of 1981 attracted approximately 60 per cent of the entering freshmen. The programs con · ducted for parents of freshmen were well attended and proved beneficial. He trained Eddie Campbell, Dean of Men, to assume the directorship of the early orientation sess ions next - - Kelli Rowland summer. Assisting the president in public relations. Dr. Carr was very active in civic and community work. For the Searcy Chamber of Commerce, he served as chairman of the Civic Improvement CdmmiUee and as a member of the Public Rela· tions Committee and the Membership Committee. He was also chairman of the Board of Directors of Springtime Searcy. Carr served as a member of the Searcy Kiwanis Club, the Executive Board of the Quapaw Council of Boy Scouts of America, the Board of Directors of White County United Way, and the Board of Directors of Delta·Hills Health Systems Agency. He was also active in the Downtown Bison Boosters Club. In the academic area, he undertook a survey of the community to determine the interest for night classes. The response indicated sufficient interest to offer classes in com· - Susan R. Pryor _ Tony Bono puting, accounting, and human relations during the fall semester. He administered the selection of seniors for Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. He also coordinated Hilarity at the opening of the fall semester. During the summer, he supervised two float trips down the Buffalo River renowned for its natural beauty. He en· thusiastically supported all student activities. Carr was actively involved in the spiritual life of students. As an elder of the College Church of Christ, he served as chairman of the Campus Ministry Committe. Commenting on his years at Harding, Dr. Carr said: "It seems impossible that I have been associated with Harding for more than 11 years. What a great and rewarding experience it has been. No freshman was ever more excited about his first year at the University. Each year my appreciation for the students and those who make up the Harding family has grown stronger. My life has been enriched in so many ways by Harding. I count daily the blessings which have been mine for this association. What a wonderful capstone to more than 38 years in the field of higher education." ~ 1. ASSISTANT to the President, Dr. James F. Carr, Jr. enjoys a liesureiy walk across the front campus. 2. WATERMELON is a favorite of Dr. Carrs. 3. STOPPING outside Benson Audiloriur.1, which houses his office, Dr. Carr entertains Adrienne Nunnal. ly, daughter of John Nunnally, Direc· lor o{ Computer Programming. Assistant to the President · 57