1981-1982 Yearbook

Being About the Father's Business October brought approximately 1,000 students from Christian colleges all across the country to Harding University to be a part of something big - the 22nd annual World Mis· sions Workshop. The workshop, which is rotated among the Christian schools from year to year, was under the direction of the Mission/Prepare program and presented the theme "Where In The World?" Among those speaking at the Thursday through Sunday event were visitors Bob Brown of the. Caribbean, Parker Henderson from Trinidad and Wendell Broom of Nigeria. From Harding's own faculty, former missionaries Dr. George S. Benson, Dale McAnulty, Van Tate and others added their in· sights to the program. Don Shackelford, who plan· ned the program with the help of Carl Mitchell, commented on the high qual ity of speakers who were present for the workshop. "The committee, made up of faculty and students. was able to get their top choice with regards to speakers for their various tasks," he sa id. " I think the men were well-received and ap· preciated.'· In a general summary of the program, Shackelford added, "Those who came really seem· ed to enjoy the emphasis on a world·wide concept." 4 Howard Norton of Oklahoma Christian College echoed these sent iments, "To me this was the best mission workshop ever in communicating a whole world emphasis." Sprinkled throughout the week were special events for the 954 registered student visitors and Searcy people present. The Time of Day. Harding Strings and A Cappella Chorus provid· ed a variety of music to enter· tain the appreciative audience. In addition, numerous displays were set up to give interested onlookers a view of different world areas and cultures. Frank Barker, a senior religious education major at Harding, gave his opinion of the workshop, "It was very informative and educational for me. It let a lot of people know what's going on in the world and encouraged us to be about the Father's business in our nation and others. ~ -Jimmy Allen J. SNUG as a bug in a rug were five visiting campaigners as they came to Harding {or the World Missions Workshop. 2. DISCUSSION groups proved to be a vital part to sharing ideas during the various workshop meetings. 3. DOW Merrill spoke about his experience as a mis· sionary. 4. DR. GEORGE S. BEN· SON receives one of the awards for service given to World Missions {rom master of ceremonies, Mr. Wenda/{ Broom. 5. CHORALE and A Cap· pella join together to express in song the central theme of the weekend workshop. 6. LITERATURE on dif· ferent fields of harvest was abun· dant. 5