1981-1982 Yearbook

- - One of the first acts of the Student Association Executive Council was preparations for the traditional mixer on the first night after registrat ion. Snacks were served in the gym while everyone welcomed the new students and visited with the old ones. Allen Henderson, S.A. President, welcomed everyone as the crowd gathered in the auditorium to hear musical numbers by some of the stu· dents. The cheerleaders led a pep rall y to get the fall semester started. The S.A.'s fall retreat for grades 10-12 was at Camp Takodah on Oct. 10-11. Marty Spears, a sophomore , com· mented, "The retreat made me feel more a part of the senior high." A highlight of the retreat was the devotional on the bluff. Senior Bruce Picker spoke about the val ue of friendship. Then the chorus members stayed on the bluff while everyone else went down. The chorus sang as t he sun set. According to one member, the devotional was so moving that_ IIU. OlUS .. - some of the senior girls cried, r I . S.A. OFFICERS. Ballinger, were late to supper, got cold hot Sec.·Treas.; Henderson, President; dogs, and cried again. Finley, Vice President. 2. S.A. In November the S.A. plan. REPRESENTAT/VES. Front row: ned a cook-out for grades 7-9. While, Tate, Diles, GUy. Sec~nd The group met at the Academy, row: Campbell, Alexander, Pnes l, . MacDonald. Back row: Land, Curry, played tag football, kIckball, Barnes Henderson 3 EXC/TIED and then roasted hot dogs on about the plans fo; lh~ fall retreat, the concrete slab in front of the "Big AI" talks to Mr. Jones, the s.A. football field. After this, the ac· sponsor. tivities moved into the gym, where voJ1eybal1 competit ion between classes brought the evening to an end. _ _ John Cherry Organizations·323