322 · Social Clubs Sub Debs Start Year with Party The Sub·Debs started off the year with a bunking party at President DeAnn Britton's house in early August. Ten new members were initiated into the club on pledge night, October 2. Pledging activities started off with an informal tea at Nancy Mathis' house. The pledges were made-up at Donna Warren's house then marched J. SUB DEB spirit award winner, Cheryl Corbin, puts forth brule strength to regain the roundball. 2. STRATEGY and pep talks are given in a volleyball leam huddle by beau Marc Pyland. J, SUB DEB beaux: Marc Pyland and Steve Marlin. 4. to the ballgame where they lead several rousing cheers. After the ballgame they were driven to LaDonna Carter 's house where the real "torture" began. The Sub-Deb's winter banquet was held in December with a theme of "White Christmas", Following the banquet was a party and some Christmas caroling.. .. SUB DEB. Front row: Ueda, Tate, Gould, Edwards, Fujisawa, Payne. Middle row: Jackson, Barrett, Cor· bin, Powell, Dillman, Burkett. Back row: Posey, Mathis, Gardner, Holland, Underwood, Yingling-sponsor, Britton, Campbell, Warren. - Shawn Daggel!