1981-1982 Yearbook

1. CONCENTRA 1100 on /he pilch /0 come, Chelyl SIoen __ hvseI{ fO#' a poIentIaI hIL 2. WITH A LOOK 0( compeIIlIveness on her face, catcher LIIM Schranlc eyes her pitching teammate. 3. COACH T£D AL TMAl'I and LIIM Watson discuss /he slta. 0( a _ on /he stdelJnes. 4. SOFTBALL TEIIM. FronI Row: Fralell, Fruehauf, Moody, Alston. NtcIter· son, Moore. Second Row: HounseI, Upton, Rhoten, Harmon, KUen. Schrank. NIchols. Back Row: AUman·Coach. Gordon, Dawson, Sloan. 01,.., Traots, Shackelford·Coach. An Experiment That Really Produced Good Results Women's Softbal l · 305