Initial Season Proves Successful For Women Here is a bit of trivia. What event hap- important role in their success. pened on April 6, 1981 that will go down Several contr'oversial questions arose as an important breakthrough in Har- throughout the season. Although the ding University history? Give up? The uniforms posed a question early on, it answer is the first contest for the first in· never was a serious argument. What tercollegiate athletic squad for Harding some couldn't understand was the fact women. On that date, Harding's women that no games were held at Harding. softball team travelled to Monticello, "The Arkansas Women's Intercollegiate Arkansas to compete against the Univer- Sports Association (AWISA) asked that sity of Arkansas-Monticello. The result we not have any games here since we are was a split in a double-header but more not an official member of the con· important, the result was the initial ference, " Coach Dean Altman said. It beginning of something the women at was believed that the reason for no Harding had wanted for a long time_ games on the campus was due to the fact The year ended with an outstanding that most of the opposing teams would 12-3 record, a feat that most people be wearing uniforms that were against found hard to believe. For most who the apparel rules for women at Harding. follow women's sports around Arkansas, "The uniform situation had something a female athletic team at Harding was to do with it but it wasn't the only more of a joke than something to take reason,'- Altman explained_ On the serious. After all , no Harding woman, lighter side, a question as to what name unless she was a transfer, had ever com· the team would be referred to as was ask· peted collegiately in any varsity sport. ed by many_ The two names brought up What could they do on a softball dia- the majority of the time was Bisonettes mond? It didn-t take those onlookers and Lady Bisons_ long to notice exactly what Harding had. Student reaction to the team was The great thing about the team was tremendous. The whole campus would that it was a success in so many different react with huge applause when a score ways. Being one of the only women's would be announced in chapel. teams that dressed in the traditional Without a doubt , the first women's baseball uniform, several other coaches softball team completed the season with took note of the uniformed look the a successful beginning. For the eighteen women showed and expressed that they girls that made up the charter team, might change their teams' look for the their wish had finally come true - a next season. Also producing an impact chance to prove not only their athletic on their opponents was the fact that at- ability. but to prove that they could comtitude and enthusiasm PlaYreidiSU~C~hia~niip:ete;-~~~~iii~~:;;iii~~' ~~i;"~iiiiiiii~~~~i~i~~ 304 -Women 's Softball