1981-1982 Yearbook

274· Intramurals Maooallntroduces ln1ramurals To Men (continued) In swimming, TNT and Chi Sigs tied for the big club championship and Theta Tau won the small club competition. In track and field, Kappa Sigs won the big club competition and Theta Tau won the small club championship. Perry Fraley of Sub·T was big club high pOint man while Darrel Webb of King's Men was high point man for the small clubs. In the fall of 1981, in softball competi· tion, Alpha Tau won big club "A" and Titans won "B," "C" and "D," King's Men won small club "A" and Theta Tau won "B." In flag football, Buccaneers won big club "A" and "B," Kappa Sigs won "C," and Sub·T won "D"; Theta Tau won small club "A" and " B." In volleyball, TNT won big club "A," Galaxy won "B" and "D," Alpha Tau won "C," and Sub·T won "E" and "F"; King's Men won small club "A" and "B," Theta Tau won "C," and Knights won "D." In basketball, Titans won big club "A," Sub·T's won "B," and Kappa Sigs won "C," "D" and "F"; Theta Tau won small club "A" and "B" and Knights won "C" and " D." In "individual" competition, Ken Machen won the Australian pursuit race and Cassie Chandler won cross country. In tennis, Paul Pierce won singles and Daryl Anderson and David Alexander won doubles. In table tennis, Darrel Webb won singles and Dan Baxter and Scott Giles won doubles. In horseshoes. Mark Copeland won singles and Mike Miller and Dave Smith won horseshoes doubles. In racquetball, Wendell Cave won singles and Wendell Cave and Mike Sims won doubles. Brad Craig won softball base run and Taro Fujisawa won the softball distance throw. Chuck Smith won the football distance kick and Scott Giles won the football distance throw. Todd McCul · lough was the basetball freethrow cham· pion and Darrel Webb was the rope jump champion. David Tibbals won the situps and chinups contest and Wendell Cave won the pushups contest. In swimming, Alan Kwasiborski won the 50·yard freestyle and 50·yard back stroke, J. D. Yingling won the 50·yard breaststroke. and Wade Huffman won the 50·yard freestyle . Mike Sims, Brad Holloway, Scott Giles, and Mark Weeks were intramurals assistants and Gerri Hale was the intramural secretary. Brad Holloway commented on the in· tramural program: "I have wondered many times what type of person I would have turned out to be if I had never learn· ed and experienced the value of competing for myself and the value of giving everything I could possibly give to help individuals be successful as a team. To me, the great intramural program at Harding University is an opportunity to contin4e fulfilling my need to compete and participate in organized sports on an equal level after all my Little League-, high school, and intercollegiate athletics are behind me." Mark Weeks commented, "The intra· mural program here at Harding is very unique. Mr. Beck has put together a pro· gram that really gets the students involved. There is often more talk about clubs games than anything else on campus. The best thing about the intramural pro· gram is that the students get to know each other better. Having good Christian friends is a major part of Harding and I think the intramural program has a lot to do with that." ~