1981-1982 Yearbook

For some, playing the game "Monopoly" brings back memories of boring Saturday afternoons. T hose who may stil l occasionally p lay the game find that the challenge to win is nearl y always present. When-absorbed in a long game, one has to rel y on chance, the roll of the d ice, and decision , in regard to what he wil l purchase during the game. Students face chance and deci sion in near ly every experi ence. Whether it be through the friendships chosen , academic achievements, o r any number of other abilit ies, with a pos iti ve attitude, all t hese gifts create a sense of importance in one 's life. Honored by the students and faculty are three groups of people nominat· ed for their outstanding characteri st ics. First, in selecting Who's Who candidates, the faculty chose sen io rs who d isp la yed leadersh ip and academ ic abilities along with a positive attitude toward their goals. Ea c h e l - e c ted queen whether Homecoming , Winter Festival , May Fete, or Pe tit Jean, was chosen for her character, per· sonali ty, and willingness to be involved. Her outlook on li fe most likely influenced the people who nominated her for t he honor. Due to their seemingly endless motivation to " make the grade, " the inductees into A lpha Chi kept their goals high. Many obtained something more important than a good repo rt card; they learned that their ambitions were directed by t hei r wil l to learn. So important in making decisions and setti ng goals in life is the attitude one chooses to exhibit. Just like the Monopoly game, many things happen by chance, and some happen by decis ion . It depends on the individual whether or not he will "pass go" in life. ~ - Usa Taylor, Honors Edilor Honor Introducti on - 243