Looking In . • HOMECOMING ROYALTY - 244 Nominated by the football players and voted on by the student body, the royalty experienced a change this year with a married queen. WINTER FESTIVAL ROYALTY - 246 To become winter season queen several girls are nominated by the basketball playe rs and voted on by the students . MAY FETE ROYALTY - 248 Young women are crowned every spring representing their social clubs in a ritualistic ceremony. PETIT JEAN ROYALTY - 250 Representing the men's clubs for which they are queens, the top three girls are chosen by the student body for this honor. 240· Honors DiviSion • ALPHA CHI - 252 Juniors and seniors with the ability to maintain a high cumulative grade point average were inducted into this national honor society. WHO'S WHO - 256 Selected by the faculty from more than 100 submitted names are 47 senior students with outstanding academic and leadership abilities. 1. HOMECOMING queen, Lisa Bartee appears in the parade before the game against (lA·Monticelio. 2. DURING Alpha Chi induction, Mike McGaha is presented with a candle as part of the ceremony. 3. "WAIT, I'm not ready!" screams Who's Who recipient Kim Adams.