1981-1982 Yearbook

lr ~lr A\~I() Z IElrA\ 11211l1() -- ----------------------------------------------------- J. MITZI Thompson, Ellen Reid, Susan Parkey and Marilyn Sewell look at the Zeta Rho scrapbook duro ing Open House. 2. PERFORMING in the Spring Sing production of "Up· lown Hodown" is Kim Adams and Joe Aaron. 3. ZUG Bellich and Zug Lathem compare horror stories of pledge week teals. 4. TAKING a minute to sit dowm Richard Machen, Susan Bolding and dale, enjoy the Hal{oween Party. 5. TNT. 1. Clark 2. Cagle 3. Hines. 4. Gillette 5. Peacock 6. C. Johnson 7. Whitacre 8. Muncy 9. S. Johnson J O. Woods II. Dupree 12. Holloway-sponsor 13. Wood 14. Starks 15. Jennings 16. Couch 17. Horsemen 18. Oliuer J 9. Wallace 20. C. Williams 21. MoodyQueen 22. Barker 23. Kurabayashi 24. Machen 25. Dean 26. Allenpresident 27. Kickgfider 28. Ogburn 29. Tankersley 30. Kays 31. Burton 32. McCoy 33. Savage 34. Taylor 35. McClanahan. vice president 36. Hensarling ·treasurer 37. White· secretary 38. Florence 39. Campbell 40. Miller 41. Harris 42. Thompson 43. Cutbirth 44. Stewart 45. Krug 46. Hooten 47. Lankford 48. Ten· - Chri$ lopher Thompson nyson 49. Berry 50. Parkey 51. Carey 52. Segraves 53. Wheeler 54. Williams 55. Butler 56. Chester 57. L. Johnson 58. J. Johnson 59. Parkey·Queen. 6. ZETA RHO, 1. Higgins 2. Jennings 3. Reid 4. Brazil 5. Asbill 6. Bradley-beau 7. Buchanan-treasurer 8. Adams 9. Arledge 10. Atchley-president J I. S. Johnson ·beau 12. M. Fowler 13. Brock 14. White 15. Glen 16. Lewis 17. Cook 18. Bible 79. Tale 20. Sewell 2 J. L. Johnson 22. L. Bolding 23. Fells 24. Lathem 25. Ke1l26. Yoakum 27. Thompson-vice president 28. Deeter 29. Koonce 30. Kay Haugland 31. Bellich 32. Sparks 33. Hazelip 34. Ange 35. Parkey 36. Spencer 37. Sears 38. Kern' Haugland 39. Jenkins 40. Negas 41. C. While 42. Beard 43. Maynard 44. 5. BOlding·secretary 45. Humphrey 46. Cole 47. K. Fowler 48. Gregory 49. Bowling. 7. DUKE Sims coaches Jimbo Allen on first base. 8. TALKING with prospective pledges at a mini mixer is Byron Carlock. 9. ZETA RHO welcomed all freshmen and transfers at Open House as displayed by their sign.