- Courtesy of /'ubi/dry OffICe 236· Theta Tau 1. THETA TAU. 1. Lambeth·sponsor 2. Spurlock 3. Green 4. Gross 5. Duff 6. Stewart 7, Rosser 8. Fields· secretary 9. Paugh 10, Berry II. Stolls 12. Casey 13. Cherry 14. Baird-Queen J 5. Caslle-Queen 16. Davidson-Queen 17. Chavez 18. Johnson 19. James-sponsor 20. Chism-vice president 21. Billingsley 22. Bates-president 23. Chillon 24. Dampier 25. Johnston 26. Counts 27, Futrell 28. Frakes 29. Alexander 30, Wesljohn 31. McMillan 32, Allen 33. Jon Perry 34. Jeff Perry 35. Smilh 36. Beam 37. Wales 38. Thee 39. Trapp. 2. ADQING a new meaning 10 the term "architectural nightmare," Tri Sigma women at· tempt 10 construct a human pyramid during Womens Club Open House. 3, QUARTERBACK Brent Alexander drops back for the pass during a game against Kappa Tau . 4. PER· FORMING in their Spring Sing '81 production of "Cowgirl Rhapsody" with Shantih is Janet Bean pf rrj Sigma. 5. SWINGING {or a solid hil, Alan Green connects for a single. 6. TRI SIGMA. I. Cooper 2. Jechler 3, Watson 4. Rice 5. Burkett-sponsor 6. Florence·president 7. Upton 8. Caslle 9. Cater J O. Nutcheu 1 I. Green J 2. Giddens J 3. Cole 14, Hutchinson 15, Harding 16. Elrod J 7. McCianahan·beau 18, Stretch 19. Lemmons 20. Nichols ·secrelary 21. Whilfield 22. Philippi 23. Billingsley 24, Uhlich 25. Haas 26. Land 27. Coy 28. Beam·beau 29, Bean 30. J. Davidson 31, D. Hughes 32, A. Hughes 33. D, Abney 34. Smilh 35. Fa/conberry 36. Frazier 37. Felts 38. Fitzgerald 39, Henley 40, Pace 41. Estes 42. S. Davidson 43. T. Abney 44, Montgomery 45. Henley 46. Kemp 47. Tiner 48, Tree· beau. - Carl Wells