1981-1982 Yearbook

3 Rays of Sunlight The first ray of sunlight shown upon a new day. Alarm clocks rang a ll across the campus. and as each student peered from beneath the wa rm cove rs, another day l ook its course. The wind was calm. but moved just enough that a ro~e bud, wet from dew , bounced slightl y and a sp ider grasped a leaf for sec urity. The air was st ill. and the earth was undi sturbed. The sun l ifted high to the clouds. Students slow ly began to leave their dorms and pass to their early classes . The dew dried and the air began t o warm. Fl owers lifted their faces t o the heavens and st retched their bodi es to fee l the warmth and breathe life. The sun was straight above the ea rth. and the air st i rred with the hurried passing of studen ts trying to beat the rush to t.he ca feteria for lunch. The flowers were in full co lo r, and the trees reached out to one another across the tall g reen grass. The sun commenced sliding down behind the h ills. Students came out of the i r afternoon classes. stopping in the student center to check their mail and v isit wi th friends. They made their way back t o their dorm rooms to rest before supper. The trees relaxed and the fl owers laid back on th ei r tired stems. An earthworm pee ked above the ground, but went back under immediately after a sigh of accompli shment. The sun was small and the clouds were painted in a rainbow of colors. Student s. nestl ed in the ir room s. we re prepa ring for another day 's classes. They set t hei r a larms and slid into bed after a prayer of thanks. The blossoms closed and bent toward the ear t h. which was again wet with dew. As the darkness came. the trees wrapped themse lves with the ir leaves, and the bl ades o f grass laid down to sleep. The day was over and the Lo rd saw that it was good. He stretched forth His hand over Hi s children and t he ear th - SllllllmDaggell was at rest. - SUL.ctnnC Johns/on God's Hand iwork · 19