, • \. i. Bowling Offers a Time for Fellowship On any Monday night Koinonia members could usually be found in Shores Chapel holding their weekly club devo· tional. Talks were presented by members and guest speakers concerning topics promoting spiritual growth. In the weeks prior to Pledge Week Dr. Neale Pryor spoke to members regarding the role of personal evangelism. "You've got to show people how much you care and that you're truly interested in them," said Dr. Pryor. "The most important concept of personal evangelism is to prepare the ground before sowing seed." The club participated in the intramural sports program, fielding teams in softball, basketball. and bowling. "Bowling was a weekly event that offered a time of leisure while strengthening intercJub friendships," said Koinonia president John Stanley. "It proved to be a very enjoyable break from studying." Lured by the warm spring weather, members enjoyed a day of white water canoeing on the Buffalo River. The Spring Banquet highlighted formal events for the year _ ~ 1. DOING his faithful duty as a pledge, Tom Cruise requests another signature from Kiref pledge Jill Cooper. 2. KOINONIA. 1. Cruise 2. Lane-Queen 3. M. Richardson 4. Rush 5. Ellis 6. Stanley·president 7. Partlow 8. D. Richardson-Queen 9. Wallers J O. Ford J J. Hulett 12. Spence 13. Oil/inger-vice president 14. Schwalzman 15. Dockery 16. Owens-secretary 17. Sinapiades 18. Ferren. 3. HOPING for a strike, Mark Richardson carefully bowls the balf down the lane. - Shawn Daygell - Di!lrrel/ Trurll Koinonia ·207 1