1981-1982 Yearbook

__11\ !IIOIEII Work Parties Begin Year 206 - Kirei Na Ai Preparation for Open House and Pledge Week began in early September by holding several work parties. One such party was held at the home of club sponsor Beth James. Using the assembly.line approach, members made favors for prospective pledges at the Open House. Shortly after pledge week, the new members held an appreciation dinner for the older members at club sponsor Mary Johnson's home. Dinner was prepared and served with a special treat of ice cream sundaes. Other social activities for the year included a fall hayride, complete with a weiner roast; and a Halloween party with ghost stories, costumed members, and games. The club also held a Christmas party at the home of Mary Johnson. Santa Claus made a brief visit and brought stockings for the members' dates. The highlight of the spring semester was the annual formal banquet. Kirei women were also involved with service projects in the community. One of their projects was providing money to Mr_ and Mrs. Herman Brown for an evening out. Several club members stayed at their home with the children. Club members participated in softball, volleyball, and basketball for fun and competition. "While we did not win any championships this year, we feel that we were very successful because of the Christian attitudes and good sportsman· ship displayed,'" stated club member Pam Wiggins. ~ 1. KIREINAAI. ]. Williams 2. McAr. lhur 3. Hooper 4. Letcher 5. Arlhur 6. Bland 7. Pacaliwagan 8. Rachel Rilchie-lreas. 9. M. Johnson-sponsor 10. L. Brown] J. Jones-sponsor 12. Dauis·uicepres. 13. Allen 14. Hutsell 15. Tammy Lockhart 16. Ware-beau 17. Force 18. Chism ]9. Terry Lockhart 20. Wilburn 21. Goodin 22. Campbell 23. G. Pollard 24. D. Pollard 25. Cox 26. Tucker 27. Sutherland 28. Henderson-pres. 29. Moores 30. Alexander 3 J. Shipley 32. Gore 33. Moss 34. Hockenberry' beau 35. M. Brown 36. Rosemary Ritchie 37. Siller 38. Hardy 39. J. Johnson 40. Lenlz 41. Wiggins. 2. TAKING a momenl to catch her breath is pledge Terry Lockhctrl. 3. PROCLAIMING her poverty is Becky Cooper in "Forever a Hobo. .. - COUrtesy of Publicity OfflU