1981-1982 Yearbook

Thanksinging Merits Tradition Involvement in campus activities began early in the year for members of Alpha Gamma Omega. In September, the club hosted its biannual Thanksinging in the Heritage Auditorium. "We wanted to offer the student body an opportunity to get together and praise the Lord in song," said President Eugene Smith. A second Thanksinging was held in January. Chi Lambda Chi accom· panied AGO on a Saturday outing to Morrilton Children's Home. "Sharing our time and just being with the children was one of the highlights of the year, " said Smith. They also sponsored a skating party with Theta Psi early in the spring semester. AGO's College Bowl team, the defending champions, repeated their victory of last March by defeating Sigma Tau Sigma in a close match during Chapel. This team formed the nucleus of Harding's Varsity Squad. Teams were fielded in many areas of competition, among these were football , softball. basketball and volleyball. ~ 4 1. INFIELDER, Jack Delong goes for the out. 2. BEFORE the Ago mixer, Greg York and Steve Froehlich discuss last minute details. 3. COL· LEGE bowl winners for 2 years in a row, Joel Ragland, Eugene Smith, Greg York and Scott Harris ponder the final question. 4. ALPHA GAM· MA OMEGA. 1. Lowe·treasurer 2. Bailey 3. Coker·Queen 4. N, Smith· Queen 5, Martin·secretary 6. Rag· land.vice president 7. E. Smith· president 8, Fair 9. Rose 10, Kerr 11. Morrison 12. Lucas 13. Ransom 14, Costello 15. Prall 16. Thorton 17. Luna 18, Kuhn 19. Ward 20, Colvin 21. Bolton 22, Struck 23. Long·sponsor 24. Houser 25. Burke 26. Ballard 27. York 28. Shackleford·sponsor. _ John Cherry ••• 196 · Alpha Gamma Omega ;;;:==::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:..."-: Shawn Daggell - Shawn Oaygell • •• - Shawn Daygell