1981-1982 Yearbook

J. DENYING the insinuation of being a "Dip," pledge Cameron Spivey speaks in his own defense. 2. PLA YING cheerleader, Jay Savage helps in rooting for Chi Lambda Chi during a close softball game. 3·5. iNSPIRED by the hoi sun, a group of Harding women bring yet another in· nocent victim to the Lily Pool for a cool dip. 6. TRIUMPHANTL Y ex· claiming thal they are number one, Kappa Della Kappa celebrates their victory in the A·leam soflball championship. 7. SCOUTING prospective pledges, Laura Brooker and Jodi Richardson survey lhe front lawn during Women:S Club Open House. 8. IN HOT PURSUIT, Keith Prather and Jerry Whitson, of Kappa Sigma, delerminedly go after Danny Alessio of Sub-To