1981-1982 Yearbook

Bobby Parks, Field Representative Ernest Acheaw - Ghana, West Africa Carol Bauman · Ontario, Canada Raymond W. E. Beaty - Searcy, AR Terry Lee Brady - Batesville, AR George Brick· Loya l ton, CA Aaron Clark - Clarksville. AR Jim Clark - Dallas, TX Bruce Norman Downing - New Guinea Gary Frazier · Sherwood, AR Daniel L. Fredman - Tecumseh , OK Marden Orth Gardner - Vincetown, NJ Donald J. Graham · Port Huron, MI Jacob Gregersen · Rochester , NY John William Hawkins · Beebe. AR Eric D. Heeter - Indianapolis, IN Erroll D. Keller - Rock Hill, MO K. David Kenser . Wichita. KS Jim J . Knaack · Muscatine. IA Darrell G. Lanford · Harrah. OK Robert E. LaPierre, Jr. - Wichita, KS Homer Lloyd, Jr. - Forrest City, AR John G. Lloyd · Pine Bluff, AR J. D. Long · Perry. OK Donnie F . Mangrum - Thayer , MO Edward Lee Maxwell · Wichita, KS David Daniel McGaughy· Natchez, MS Billy Ray McSpadden · Bradford, AR Randy Aaron Murdock - Oak Grove, MO Don Nelson · Wichita Falls. TX Albert Powell Pendergraft - Joplin , MO Donald Ted Pittman - Tulsa. OK Daniel Llano Robinson - Bradford, AR David Wesley Spillman - Judsonia. AR Ray Thornburg - Searcy. AR John White - Bawdte. AR Craig Wilson · Thida. AR Scott Zapalac · Houston . TX 188 · Christian Communications Program IOdds and Endsl Did I Say That? "And now ladies and gentlemen, the 38th President of the United States, Mr. Hoober Heevert." What? Yes. you heard him right. An American disc jockey had just embarrassed himself in front of our entire country by doing what every human being does rather frequently, "tangling his tongue." Although this unfortunate radio man is pro· bably the citizen most often remembered for his enormous verbal blooper, the rest of the people of this crazy world have said some pret· ty strange things themselves ... and Harding University is no exception. Helen James, a not·too-prominent Media Center secretary, geared my ears to the sub· ject by complimenting a particular customer and ex·friend with the words, "Oh hello. You look so good today that I didn't even recognize you." Henceforth on the lookout, a bevy of blunders began to surface. One college admin· istrative official was overheard saying, 'The dean of women and I are getting sick and tired of all this kissing on campus going on right under our noses." Oh sure, the average day carries plenty of slaughtered sentences, but why is it that church services seem to breed the most fre· quent fumbling foul ups? Sunday after Sunday one particular Chris· tian unknowingly gives those present a list of members who are sick of the congregation. To have that followed by an Obviously nero vous young man who wants to read from his revised virgin is almost too much to take in one sitting. Occasionally, the jitters also hit prayer leaders who think they have every angle covered in advance. Strenuous preparation proved the downfall of a young adult one time