1981-1982 Yearbook

Along with the cold air of January and a needed vacation, the students returned to their "home away from home" with renewed spirits. By this time, basketball season was In full swing. Second semester was fllled with club banquets and partles"muslc group tours, and plays. Club plans were being finalized early In the semester for Spring Sing '82. The spring sport teams practiced for their upcoming seasons with hopes of doing their very best. Spare time seemed to be a scarce commodity In early April because of preparations and production of Spring Sing and Youth Forum. The end of the month brought about May Fete, Petit Jean Dedication and Dead Week. It was May and finals were approaching again. Then came graduation. The school year was over. Or was It? Intersesslon begins In mld·May and lasts for two·weeks, followed by two five week sessions of summer school. A possible 18 hours credit can be earned by staying for all three sessions. The campus Is slower paced with fewer students and co·currlcular activities, yet the course continues. Since Harding's beginning In 1924, a cycle has been established to provide the highest quality education available for each student In academics and In each one's social and spiritual lives. Times, rules, traditions, faculty, students, buildings all have changed to some degree, but the pace continues to 'Educate for Eternity.' You see, It Is all a matter of motion. 1. NOONTIME runners, Bill White, Paul Pitt, Steve , White, Jeff Hopper, and Chris Dell, begin another day of Improving their cardiovascular systems and physlqu.... 2. MIKE James and company practice for the "Mr. Shutterbug 1982" Award. 3. KOJIES Karla Dunkerson and Missy Gay take a break from Open House to Joke around. 4. BENSON Auditorium takes on an eerie air this moonlit night. 5. WHILE In Switzerland on campaigns, Ray Muncy uhlblts that leachers, too, get crazy occasionally. Introduction · 11